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  1. B

    Guys, where is my post?

    I posted a new thread yesterday, introducing myself to this community. I got a message saying that it needed to be viewed by a moderator before being posted. Ok, fine. But it should be on here by now, you would think. Where is it?
  2. B

    Some people name their cars...

    Hmm. You know what's funny, I never thought of naming my glasses. I guess because my glasses are mainly for nearsightedness. However my hearing aid is a device that links me to the auditory world, such as music and movies. Speaking of which, I remembered exactly why I refer to my new Phonak...
  3. B

    Where did that sign come from?

    Very interesting thread. I love etymology, and I would love to learn where different signs come from. For example, does anyone know the origin of the sign for strange? I just learned it, and to be frank it IS a rather strange-looking sign. As to iconic signs. I can totally see where signs...
  4. B

    Some people name their cars...

    Does anyone name their hearing aids, or am I the only one eccentric enough? Haha! :giggle: I have my Phonak Naida, and two back ups. One is a Bernafon, the other is an old clunky Phonak analog that still works like a charm even after 10 years. I have taken to calling this old thing "Old...
  5. B

    One Hearing Aid, or Two?

    I am mostly deaf in both ears, however I have been unaided on my right for years, due to the lack of residual hearing in that ear. However, I have run into issues with hearing people assuming that my right ear functions perfectly. Then they wonder why I can't hear them. Duh! I am seriously...
  6. B

    Giving up on hearing aids

    I stopped wearing a hearing aid in my right ear years ago, as I have next to no usable hearing in there. I'm only aided in my left ear, although to hearing people it seems to mean that my right ear hears just fine! I feel like wearing a dud hearing aid in my right ear just to get the point...
  7. B

    Where did my post go?

    I was able to post a second and third thread, while my Intro post is still pending...
  8. B

    ASL Students: Be honest, your reason???

    I am learning ASL because I was never given the chance to when I was a child. I think all deaf children should be given the opportunity for both signing and speech.
  9. B

    Which one is better, Phonak Naida IX UP or Oticon Chili 9:

    I have not tried the Oticon, although I have heard of it. For me, personally, I love my Naida Phonak. I had a Bernaphon hearing aid for three years, starting in 2008, and I never really liked it.
  10. B

    Deaf and Proud of it! :)

    Hello everyone. My name is Desiree, I live in Ontario Canada. I am 28 years old, and have been deaf since birth. I wear one hearing aid in my left ear, and I barely sqeak into being able to understand speech. My right ear has practically no usable hearing. I was given speech therapy when I...