Search results

  1. Peachy Lady

    I don't know when but....

    I live in Oklahoma and am between Arkansas, Missouri and Texas. If you're going thru Oklahoma, let me know:)
  2. Peachy Lady

    Need your help in suggesting name of deaf culture book

    Thanks Jolie for the listing of books. I have forwarded that to my friend and she can pick whichever she wants to buy, but I also suggested the book that you suggested. Haha Tousi...Hearing aids and handicuffs. Not bad idea to copy paste ADers posts about their frustrations to show them. Yeah...
  3. Peachy Lady

    Need your help in suggesting name of deaf culture book

    My deaf friend has problem trying to explain to her inlaws about deaf culture. They thought that there's no such thing as "deaf culture" and thought it was ridiculous. They don't understand why she watches tv at their house or doesn't enjoy being with them since they do not sign. She dreads...
  4. Peachy Lady

    my mom died

    Step and doh, I'm truly sorry that you lost your loved ones and that I pray that God will give you comfort, as well as your friends and us here at AD.
  5. Peachy Lady

    Happy Birthday! highlands

    Happy birthday to you, Highlands! And many, many more!! Enjoy your special day :hug:
  6. Peachy Lady

    AllDeaf Hawaii Cruise 2009 [CANCELLED]

    Who do I email to to get refund? I just got home from trip....
  7. Peachy Lady

    Rusty, can you tell us what do you mean, that is not very organized? I've been watching that website since the beginning and I've seen a LOT of improvements since. They have more reporters, etc and much more stories. Instead of announcing your complaints in public forum...
  8. Peachy Lady

    Presidential Myths Quiz

    Mine is 3/10. I never was good at history lol
  9. Peachy Lady

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Some hearies asked me if my children were "mine." I told them that we make children just like you do. They asked me "but your children are hearing. How come they're not deaf since they were born from you?" I explained to them that about 90% of deaf parents have hearing children. Not all deaf...
  10. Peachy Lady

    Happy Beepie Birthday Roadierunner!!!!

    Happy birthday to you, bro! And many, many more! Hope you had a good birthday with your Angel and family!
  11. Peachy Lady

    AllDeaf Game Theory

  12. Peachy Lady

    Hey Yellow bird! Come in here!

    Happy birthday to uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, TweetyBird and many, many more!!!!
  13. Peachy Lady

    Really didn't like Heroes

    We rented Heroes dvds from netflix and it's easier to undy the series when watching one after the other instead of waiting longer. My husband loves to watch them.
  14. Peachy Lady

    Pls Pray for My Mom

    Will keep your mom in my prayer that she will have speedy recovery.
  15. Peachy Lady

    Bear is now a Super Moderator!!

    Here's my beary hug to you, Bear!! :hug: Congratulations!!
  16. Peachy Lady

    McDonald RAGE

    He must really like his fries! lol
  17. Peachy Lady

    Deaf girls scam old men

    :giggle:Happened to u again and again and again? You're kidding us! :rofl:
  18. Peachy Lady

    Branson, Missouri is becoming "Deaf Friendly"

    It sounds great! How often do you plan to have deaf event during this year? I live a couple of hours from Branson so I would like to go there sometime this year.
  19. Peachy Lady

    Alaska Tsunami Warning Center Says Tsunami Not Expected

    Good thing there won't be a tsunami over Alaska. Maria can rest easy:)
  20. Peachy Lady

    I want to kill my husband!
