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  1. Peachy Lady

    pics of you - Part II

    All the pics look great!
  2. Peachy Lady

    pics of you

    You look fine to me, Starrygaze:)
  3. Peachy Lady

    Ask VamPyroX Anything!

    Hi Vampy:) As you said purple/lavender isn't your favorite color, what color is your favorite?
  4. Peachy Lady

    Who Is in Their 40s?

    I'm 47 and am proud of it:thumb:
  5. Peachy Lady

    Deaf Lady Almost Gets Run Over by Truck [VID]

    It does look like she stole the victim's purse. Unfortunately, it happens often to victims.
  6. Peachy Lady

    Guys that have girls that are "just friends"

    If you have special feeling for a best friend that's more than just a friend, have you asked her out for a date? Best friend sometimes makes best mate for
  7. Peachy Lady

    I have gotten a....

    Oh Seq! I'm sure you will love your 2nd job. I used to work with people who have disabilities and some were retarded. I loved them so much as they were joy to work with. Congrats on your new job. They will appreciate what you do for them and you will feel very rewarded in your heart:)
  8. Peachy Lady

    Warning - Extremely Heartbreaking

    My heart aches too. My nephew flew to Iraq a few weeks ago. I keep him in my prayers. My other nephew is done with the service and works at the tower at the airport. One more of my nephew is thinking about joining the service soon:ugh3:
  9. Peachy Lady

    Video "This is the new Sh!t" in ASL

  10. Peachy Lady

    Do my avatar signature "Mr Bean" bother you?

    I really like watching Mr Bean. He's sooo funny!! Leave the avatar in, it's fine:)
  11. Peachy Lady

    Here's the pictures.

    What a bootiful baby! Congratulations. She's so precious!!
  12. Peachy Lady

    you promised to love but......

    I would stay with my husband no matter if he becomes disabled or whatever. We honor the marriage vows. Only time I would leave is if he becomes abusive or commits adultry. I know he never will do that, so we will always be married for eternity :kiss:
  13. Peachy Lady

    Baskin Robbin Co-Founder Dies

    I love licorice ice cream from Baskin Robbins! mmmmm
  14. Peachy Lady

    Organic Food

    I drink raw milk and its healthy. I do eat organic food sometime, but not always. Like some ADers said, they're pricey.
  15. Peachy Lady

    Guess who's back...

    Strawberry, You live in McAlester now, so I assume you don't work at a restaurant in Broken Arrow now? You sure were a good waitress! My husband and I enjoyed chatting with you:)
  16. Peachy Lady

    Guess who's back...

    Welcome back, Strawberry Nix! Good to see you again:)
  17. Peachy Lady

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VII

    Are you ok Freaky Cat? Tonight my husband saw low clouds above our house that was turning around and around, but didn't develop into tornado in our area. As you live east of us....
  18. Peachy Lady

    Vitamins = Death ?

    I tried to sample MonaVie a few weeks ago. I had bad allergy reaction to it. Rash all over my skin and scalp, had hard time breathing. I had to take two allergy medicines. I liked the taste of MonaVie but boy, I can't take it anymore. Oh well...
  19. Peachy Lady

    Type of your residence

    My family and I live in a quiet, small suburb next to Tulsa. I enjoy living in quiet town and when my family and I need to go to the big city, we are only a few minutes away from the big city:)
  20. Peachy Lady


    Happy birthday to youuuu and many, many more!