Search results

  1. jonnyghost

    Alabama Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Castration For Child Sex Offenders

    Cutting off body parts is irreversible. People are found to be wrongfully convicted all the time. So even if you believe it's acceptable to do so you'll be doing it to innocent people as well as the guilty. It's hard to pin down a number but estimates are between 2.3% and 5% of all prisoners in...
  2. jonnyghost

    Alabama Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Castration For Child Sex Offenders

    Many phycological dysfunctions run in families pointing at a gentic connection. It seems there is a strong mix of nature and nuture that controlls who we become. Having a certain gentic trait might make someone more likly to develop in a certain way. The stroke victims just points out the effect...
  3. jonnyghost

    Alabama Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Castration For Child Sex Offenders

    That's not what Jezie said. Should we start mutilation as punishment back up? Cut the hands off theives? What about the wrongfully convicted?
  4. jonnyghost

    I Don't Know What To Say ...

    Very sorry for your loss. May for friend rest in peace.
  5. jonnyghost

    What Inventions Would You Invent For Us?

    Someone made this for google glass back when google was developing them still. I hold out hope that we'll get captioning glasses soon.
  6. jonnyghost

    Body Armor To Protect Pets From Coyote Attacks

    We have open season on coyotes during the day.
  7. jonnyghost

    Body Armor To Protect Pets From Coyote Attacks

    I think more convenient and effective is a 410 pistol with some buck shot in it but that's not for everyone.
  8. jonnyghost

    Body Armor To Protect Pets From Coyote Attacks

    Fishers are generally the only thing that will go after porcupines. Anything will if it's hungry enough but it will pay the price. I think the armor is more to keep coyotes and dogs from running buy and snatching the little dogs while out hiking. A coyote is going to be less likely to stick...
  9. jonnyghost

    Body Armor To Protect Pets From Coyote Attacks

    Cool! Looks like that should do the trick.
  10. jonnyghost

    College Students Traumatized By Chalk Messages

    Was it white chalk?
  11. jonnyghost

    The Flu....

    I have two kids in daycare. They don't call it the germ factory for nothing! I've been sick all winter. Hope you feel better soon!
  12. jonnyghost

    Car Rental Question

    Most common damage to underside is front bumper scraping on curb when parking. Most bumpers are plastic now so it affects nothing but they still want to charge you to paint it.
  13. jonnyghost

    Car Rental Question

    Could be. But it's also easy to rub the front bumper on a curb while parking and never know it. Make a big stink and they may drop it anyway. A few bumper scratches on the underside isn't going to hurt anything. They just want your money.
  14. jonnyghost

    Car Rental Question

    Yup. First I would request to see under the car he rented. Make sure it is the exact car. Your rental paperwork should have the vin. If there is no damage or if the damage is old and rusty then take pictures. Also find out if it's policy to put the car on the lift after every times it's rented...
  15. jonnyghost

    Driver For Old Scanner To Scan Into Wordperfect Office X4

    Like Reba said. Keep your old machine offline and for scanning only. Then get yourself something new for everything else. I have an XP box running at the shop because it is the newest OS that supports some software I need to communicate with our big 5 axis CNC machine. (NetBEUI if anyone...
  16. jonnyghost

    How is your weather today part II

    Ice storm. Lots of accidents this morning including a cop and one vehicle on fire.
  17. jonnyghost

    Darn Dentist...

    Fight bad businesses by going to good businesses.
  18. jonnyghost

    Pictures Of Plantation Where Tcs Does Work

    I always wanted a stream on my property so I could have a little bridge. Beautiful place!