Search results

  1. ohmylight

    Dangerous "Knockout Game" Spreads in USA

    The entire game is unproven... While not quite a hoax it's definitely not a trend.... It doesn't happen enough and is not widespread enough to be a trend. Guess What? The
  2. ohmylight

    Comment on friend of a friend's status

    Shut down your facebook... Problem solved!
  3. ohmylight

    Yellow Media Pages Scam Warning

    Actually I'm fine.... that was my point. There is spam but not enough to bother me more than 2 minutes a year... not worth worrying about.
  4. ohmylight

    Yellow Media Pages Scam Warning

    I actually had a telemarketer call my VP a few weeks ago! Might be because of my business listing but it was immediately blocked.... nice having the ability to block, last I used a normal phone I don't think I was able to do that!
  5. ohmylight

    Planning a Wedding

    Just because he's Catholic doesn't mean you can't use some of your own cultural/personal influences too on the ceremony. If you like cooking for example you can do a salt covenant (it's a new spin on the native american "sand ceremony")...
  6. ohmylight

    Planning a Wedding

    Pick your venue first. Then figure out what's important to you.... Food, DJ, Photo, etc. some vendors book up far in advance. I currently have one client in 2015, and all others are 2014... My fall brides booked 13 months in advance. Expos are awesome but overwhelming. If you go to them...
  7. ohmylight

    Introducing deafguy2013

    10 points for AllDeaf's SEO! Haha I never got sucked into Dexter. The Walking Dead and AHS is a different story though :) I'm late deafened bilaterally. Was going to get a CI but my ENT is disorganized and horrible so that's being put off for fear of being put under for CI and waking up...
  8. ohmylight

    To Cochlear Implant or to re-Hearing Aid; know thyself what you want, my Deaf ears?

    I suggest try hearing aids first... Especially if they may have worked for you before. If you can do the non-surgical option you may like it. Only you + your doctor can sense what sort of gain you'll get out of both options. Find a doctor who knows and understands both.
  9. ohmylight

    boys think I'm weird because of hearing aids?

    Guys like CONFIDENCE way more than they like ears without hearing aids in them. Rock whatever you are... the right guy will see that you love your life for what it is and be attracted to what you can offer.
  10. ohmylight

    Add me? Not!!!

    I'll friend and talk with anyone, but if you ask me to do a cyber pillow-fight CLEARLY with no feathers? I judge. I judge hard. hahaha
  11. ohmylight

    you were once 12 years old, (GIRL only)

    Or if she likes to make videos on her iPhone try this.... The Photojojo Store! or a GoPro (they make cheaper or older models again if you search around...) GoPro Official Website: The World's Most Versatile Camera
  12. ohmylight

    you were once 12 years old, (GIRL only)

    Try a flipcamera... it's cute. Flip Support Home OR if she loves making videos check into classes for photography/videography at a local kid-centric art center You can find them cheaper on amazon used or older models too.
  13. ohmylight

    Transcription/Subtitle Services

    Hey! Me and another deaf photographer purchased a 3 day workshop on photographing newborns and maternity.... problem is there are no SRT files and transcription isn't offered by CreativeLIVE... they sent back a rather cold/dry response how it's not something they offer... does anyone know of any...
  14. ohmylight

    Add me? Not!!!

    If anyone asks me to play stupid FB games or attend impersonal events when I barely know them I instantly block them from inviting me to anything.
  15. ohmylight

    Not happy about ring...

    Two of my clients (2 gay men) melted down their feminine heirloom rings into 2 bands to marry each other... There's ways around the heirloom issue. Some people also only wear the wedding band, which you choose together. If the guy picked out an ugly ring there are ways round it... A wedding...
  16. ohmylight

    Are deaf hospital or clinic patients required to have interpreters?

    Just by saying you don't know ASL well you answered my question... What about those who don't sign. I've never seen that before. I have an appointment with a new primary today for just that reason... I don't want to rely on terps each dr visit (new one signs a little) Now idk what procedure...
  17. ohmylight

    Entry Level Graphic Design Position?

    She is! She and Monica Bartels are part of a FB group I found for deaf photographers. All very good artists!
  18. ohmylight

    Which vibrating bed Clock system is the best?

    Yea lucky for me I just edit when I'm awake and schedule shoots for the afternoon or wake up naturally. I've missed some tests though through undergrad when it broke overnight. It's a pain. I tried Lark but that broke too. I just replace them. I found a few new brands though to try (new...
  19. ohmylight

    Hand hurting

    You just have to practice :)
  20. ohmylight

    Which vibrating bed Clock system is the best?

    My sonic boom alarms ALWAYS break :( I'm in my 5th in 7 years