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  1. babymakerdaddy

    Prayers needed for PL's friend

    Praying for your friend Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your friend also. I have a friend that is going through the same thing right now (check out the thread "Please pray for my boss' daughter). I understand how hard it is not knowing what is going to happen. Just keep in...
  2. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    Kendra's webpage Here is a link to a web page that was created for Kendra. When you get there, enter kendradudek in the box marked SITE NAME. Keep praying, Trent
  3. babymakerdaddy

    Ape to Man

    My computer lost it's internet connection, so I could not reply as quickly as you did. I was going to write pretty much the same thing that you did (and very well, I must say).
  4. babymakerdaddy

    Amazing video of mother using her own feet to change her baby´s diapers!!!

    I have a friend that has no hands, but he is a great artist and photographer. He used to work for Glamour Shots. The other workers there told me and my wife that his was there best photographer! If you put your mind to it, nothings is impossible.
  5. babymakerdaddy

    Ape to Man

    Gen 2:18-23 (KJV) And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air (notice, not formed from another animal ((evolution)); and brought them...
  6. babymakerdaddy

    Noah Ark games

    I did it! Yeah, all the animals are safe in the ark!
  7. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    Quick Update The doctors have said that since Kendra has been doing so well with the chemo treatments and is responding well, they are going to increase the intensity fo the chemo treatments and see how she does. Continue to pray for her. She is not over this yet. Trent
  8. babymakerdaddy

    My b-day!

    Hope your day was all that you wanted it to be! Happy belated birthday!
  9. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    Your prayers are helping! I saw Kendra again last night. She is looking great! She has had 6 chemo treatments now, and through them all, she has only FELT sick, but has not actually GOTTEN sick (if you know what I mean). Through all that is happening to her, she has been so brave and a...
  10. babymakerdaddy

    Where is everyone from?

    Hello, and welcome I am from Minnesota.
  11. babymakerdaddy

    Prayers Needed For Taylor

    I will be praying My thoughts and prayers are with you, Taylor. I hope you will recover soon. I know what it is like to worry about a policeman. My brother is a policeman, and has been in the hospital before for some job related situations. Trent
  12. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    I saw Kendra My family went to see Kendra of Friday night. She is doing well considering what she is going through. She had a smile on her face the whole time we were there (which was not a long time). The doctors had just started another round of chemo before we got there, so she had a bad...
  13. babymakerdaddy

    please pray for my friend's dad

    Prayer I will be praying for your friend's dad. I know that there is power in prayer! Trent
  14. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    I talked to my boss today . . . and he said that Kendra slept well last night. She will be starting chemo treatments today and then have to stay in the hospital for 7-10 days. Depending on how she reacts to the chemo, she will either get to go home, or stay in the hospital. Her immune system...
  15. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    The latest news The latest news that I have is not much. The doctors did a biopsy on the bone marrow and from what I understand, it was not good. Keep her in your prayers. She is a very sweet girl. Kendra has, on occasion, babysat my kids so that my wife and I could get a dinner out or...
  16. babymakerdaddy

    Hello from Minnesota

    What part of Minnesota is he in?
  17. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    Thanks I just want to tell you all thank you for praying for her. When I find out more information on how she is doing, I will let you know.
  18. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    My boss just found out last night that his 17 year old daughter has cancer. From what they understand, the form of cancer she has is leukemia. They are at the hospital right now to see what they can do for her. Any prayers for her would be greatly appreciated. Her name is Kendra. Thanks
  19. babymakerdaddy

    Questions about the bible.

    A few verses from the Bible The Bible gives us a few hints about God's existance. John 1:1 & 14 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, theglory as of the only begotten of...
  20. babymakerdaddy

    Why not see ur Wedding Pixs?

    Wedding Pics My wife and I will be married for 8 years on Aug 2nd. My wife made her dress, and I sewed on the buttons on the back of the dress - 40 little heart shaped buttons. It is a replica of a Victorian style dress.