Search results

  1. babymakerdaddy

    Church in Rosemount, MN

    A continued Blessing I just wanted to say that we had 2 deaf visitors to our church this Sunday for Sunday School, which made the total deaf/hoh attending 6, and then one more deaf lady came for church making the total 7. Praise the Lord, He is still working in our lives!
  2. babymakerdaddy

    Church in Rosemount, MN

    During the years of 1991 - 1996 I was at college, except for summer and Christmas breaks. If I was watching anyone during the sermons, it was the interpreter because it was while at college that I learned sign language. As for my wife, I did not even start dating her until 1994, and she never...
  3. babymakerdaddy

    Church in Rosemount, MN

    Is there any one in MN or nearby WI that would like to visit my church on Sunday mornings? We have a class for the deaf led by a deaf man. He is interested in meeting more deaf people in the area. Right now, our church is in the middle of a contest to see who can bring the most visitors, and...
  4. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    Who says there are no miracles happening today. . . I am just going to quote from Kendra's website to make this easy -- Hello from Kendra and her family. She is resting after a very busy day on Friday. She was able to get a day pass to go to the Crusader Homecoming. She got out of the...
  5. babymakerdaddy

    Meet at Barnes & Noble - MN

    ASL Conversation Group - Barnes & Noble, Burnsville American Sign Language Conversation Group 2nd & 4th Friday of the month 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barnes & Noble 828 West County Road 42 Burnsville, MN 55337 952.892.9820 V 952.892.9289 Fax Our new ASL Conversation Group is already so...
  6. babymakerdaddy

    Has anyone heard of

    the camp called Bill Rice Ranch? It was started by a couple that had a daughter that went deaf. It is a camp that deaf kids from the ages of 10-19 can go for a week of camp for free. Here is a link to thier website: Bill Rice Ranch Let me know what you think of it. Trent
  7. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf / HH Swim in Minnesota

    Swim Nights for D/HH Community Pool is for CSD deaf/hard of hearing community only. Not a public swim! Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (check your email for canellations) When: Friday, September 9, 2005 Friday, October 7, 2005 Friday, November 4, 2005 Friday, December 2, 2005 Friday, January...
  8. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Day at the Mall of America

    I belive the only free things are the sight-seeing and meeting new deaf friends.
  9. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Day at the Mall of America

    Mall of America/Camp Snoopy Deaf Day Event Deaf Day Event A Fun Event Mall of America / Camp Snoopy November 19, 2005 Saturday 10 AM - 9:30 PM Free. for enjoying the mall, social with people, etc., but if you are going to be shopping, or movies, or resturants, or rides at Camp...
  10. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf day at Renaissance Festival Minnesota

    How was it? So, how did they day go? Did you have fun? Get lots to eat?
  11. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    She did it! Kendra got her driver's license! The next day, she went back to the hospital to start her second round of chemo. The doctors did a bone marrow biopsy and the preliminary results are great. The doctors didn't find anything! She still has to go through the chemo treatment while...
  12. babymakerdaddy

    Hi from Minnesota

    Another Minnesotan here I, too, am from Minnesota. I live in Eagan, and work in Bloomington so we are not too far from one another. I am hearing, but know sign language. I have 2 kids also - Nathaniel is 4 and Esther is 1. Maybe we could get together for a cup of coffee or somethings...
  13. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my boss' daughter

    Good news Today is Kendra's 16th birthday. She has been home from the hospital for 1 week now and was able to be in church yesterday morning and evening! Pray for her espically today - she is trying to get her dirver's license today. She has a note from her doctor saying that her immune...
  14. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf day at Renaissance Festival Minnesota

    Cool I wish I could go this year, but I made a promise to my son to take him to a firetruck parade in Burnsville at 11:00 on Saturday.
  15. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf day at Renaissance Festival Minnesota

    What part of the twin cities? I am from Eagan.
  16. babymakerdaddy

    Why did you learn sign language?

    I understand that most people on this site are deaf, but not all are - like myself. I am wondering what inspired you to learn sign language. The reason I learned it is this - when I was in high school, I worked at the camera counter in Target and 2 deaf teens came in looking to buy a camera...
  17. babymakerdaddy

    Pic of your Spouse/Partner/Girlfriend-Boyfriend..

    my pic here's a pic of my wife and I and son from a few years ago.
  18. babymakerdaddy

    How Old are you?

  19. babymakerdaddy

    Prayers needed for PL's friend

    I am sorry! I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. I will continue to be in prayer for you during your grief. Trent
  20. babymakerdaddy

    Please pray...

    Praying here I am praying for your friend's husband. I have a friend who is going through the same thing (check out thread "Please pray for my boss' daughter). God bless, and keep us updated, Trent