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  1. P

    Deafdude's blog

    Wow. Some of you guys are unbelievable. It's not plagiarism or copyright infringement when you're disputing an argument with your own writing and ideas. Besides, it's not like he personally identified all of you and attacked you without provocation. Also, he's labeled each paragraph an...
  2. P

    LCD TV Refresh Rates: No Visible Difference?

    Well, I found a great deal on a good 120 Hz TV so I may end up buying that one. But I gotta wait and get some additional cash on Christmas before I can go buy it. :cool2:
  3. P

    LCD TV Refresh Rates: No Visible Difference?

    Okay folks, I've been working on researching LCD TVs as I plan on buying an LCD TV for myself as a Christmas present after Christmas is all done (I'll be getting some cash for Christmas too that will go towards it along with my nice full paycheck that I get to keep to myself with no...
  4. P

    Profoundly Deaf Jazz Singer.

    All I have to say is: WOW!!!! What an amazing talent!!! Gorgeous voice!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  5. P

    Wow! One year on AllDeaf!!!

    Just realized it will have been a year since I joined in January. Awesome. Here's to many more! :cool: :cool: :D
  6. P

    100-Year-Old Sex Offender About to Go Free

    posts from hell- It doesn't matter that he served time in this case. There are some actions which are INEXCUSABLE and uncorrectable no matter how much time is served. Child rape is one of them. Why do you think other inmates hunt these freaks down while they're in prison?
  7. P

    CIs, hearing restoration, oh my!

    Well, I'm happy. And thrilled. I'm thrilled with my Unitron 360e. I'm thrilled with how things are going lately. Happier than I have been for quite awhile now. So much so that I'm going to wait and see what happens with all of the available technologies out there. I don't want to go into...
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    If you were Deaf for 10+ years then implanted

    Two weeks? Wow Ron...what a great Christmas present! Can't wait to see details of your activation. :)
  9. P

    Almost over year 2009 and new year 2010

    Since I'm free from credit cards as of last month, I am looking forward to buying a condo (as a first-time home owner) and engaging in more debt free fun. Wheeeeee. :eek3: :eek3: :eek3: :D :D :D
  10. P

    Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Approved for U.S. Research

    First new stem cell lines approved for funding under Obama Guidelines First new stem cell lines approved for funding under Obama guidelines - :shock: :shock: :shock: Go OBAMA!!!!!! :eek3: :eek3: :eek3:
  11. P

    Adult stem cell is happening right now to cure hearing loss!

    I could not have said this better myself. You hit the nail on the head. :cool2:
  12. P

    Reason for Hearing Restoration

    1. Around 4 years old. Constant ear infections as a child culminating in a nasty sickness with a 104-105 fever that destroyed my hearing. 2. Severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. Left ear is dead. Right ear around 50% or less depending on the day. I've worn a single...
  13. P

    Adult stem cell is happening right now to cure hearing loss!

    The brain will develop new auditory pathways and adapt. In fact there was a study posted by C-NICE on the Hearing Aids/Cochlear Implants board that discusses exactly this in relation to Cochlear Implants. The brain's ability to adapt and interpret signals delivered by any device (whether...
  14. P

    I read deafness88's posts, he can't accept his slight hearing loss :(

    I'm very much like you - with my hearing loss I've always had it since I was a child and have no idea what normal hearing is even though I've been raised as a hearing person. I can sympathize with those that were hearing but are going through this. However, I think the point that most of us...
  15. P

    Adult stem cell is happening right now to cure hearing loss!

    Impressive!!! I'm speaking to RNL BIO and they've told me that they believe they can help my hearing loss. According to my mom my loss occurred in a very similar fashion to Chloe's when I was a kid (constant ear infections w/one major sickness/high fever that destroyed the rest of it). Only...
  16. P

    Adult stem cell is happening right now to cure hearing loss!

    I wholeheartedly agree with you in some respects. I work in an industry that is very similar to the state of stem cells right now. There is no regulation. It's permeated by those that ARE Snake Oil salesmen. These snake oil salesmen promise the world and don't deliver, giving the rest of us...
  17. P

    I read deafness88's posts, he can't accept his slight hearing loss :(

    Whoah. Wow. :O deafdude1 - Totally agree with you. To deafness88: I'm 29. I have a dead left ear and a 50%-ish hearing right ear (for my whole life since I was around four years old). I've been employed non-stop for well over 10 years with no breaks in between and plenty of promotions. I...
  18. P

    The correct way to ...

    This is incorrect. In my experience hearing aids when turned on (especially digitals that don't have a switch to turn on but instead turn on/off by opening/closing the battery door) *always* feedback unless they are on the ear.
  19. P

    How long does your Naida battery last?

    I should advise as well that I use the HA in my remaining ear all day every day. At least 8-10 hours per day if not more.
  20. P

    How long does your Naida battery last?

    Size 13 is typically going to last around a week or so in my experience. Size 675 (like I'm using now) is literally insane for me and has been lasting at least 2 weeks and I'm always afraid it's just about to run out in an important situation so I haven't let it run completely out yet.