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  1. K

    Why i'm only person who see this way?

    I think it is not only what you eat, but how much you eat. Genetics also plays a part.
  2. K

    Just curious

    Are there any churches by you that offer deaf mass? That is awesome to watch. The ones I've seen have movie screens with the words to the songs, sermons, etc, on it so you can follow along that way. But when they sign the songs, it is beautiful. It is literally poetry in motion.
  3. K

    Keep an Eye on Your License Plate

    I heard that the thieves are also tapping into the gas tanks themselves. They get under the car, tap a hole into it and drain the gas that way. My car has a locking door over the gas cap and someone tried to pry it open. :-o
  4. K

    Why i'm only person who see this way?

    I think genetics might have something to do with it too. My mom and dad had the same diet for 40 years and my mom died of cancer at age 57. Dad is now 82, rides a bike, helps on the ranch,etc. Also, I have a bad back and I walk or ride my bike 4 miles to work. It actually helps my back. I...
  5. K

    hello friends

    Hello all
  6. K

    misunderstood communication problems....

    Face to face is the best way to communicate. That way you can tell if the person you are talking to is lying, teasing, mad, etc. You can't tell that stuff through email, text messaging, TTY, etc. :fruit:
  7. K

    misunderstood communication problems....

    I agree with Pepe. It is better to talk to face to face rather than through email, text messaging, TTY, etc. That way you can tell if the person you are talking to is lying, angry, teasing, etc.
  8. K

    MySpace is not good for you deafies?

    I am new to my space, but haven't had any problems with it so far. Use it to contact my kids and friends.
  9. K

    your vices

    too funny. My vice, other than being a b...., is chocolate:rofl:
  10. K

    Do you live in California?

    I am from Northern California. Large deaf community here too.
  11. K


    Hi. I'm not deaf, but I've gotten a lot of help and information from the people on this site. All that I have chatted with have been kind, honest, informative, real nice people.
  12. K

    I love it when....

    I love it when I am with my poo and the birds are singing
  13. K

    Why is it so frustrated to find a right deaf lady?

    You guys are lucky. I was with a deaf guy on and off for about 6 years and just found out about a month ago that he is back with his druggie ex. He never even told me, he just stopped texting and coming around. He borrowed money from me, took my vicodin (which is her drug of choice) and then...
  14. K

    You ever heard of Astrology?

    this is cool. I believe in astrology too. I am a Sagittarius through and through. My last man friend couldn't handle my directness. Sags are pretty straight shooters and get right to the point. Don't remember what I am in the Chinese zodiac.
  15. K

    Will a 911 call save you?

    Yeah and if you do shoot the guy, do it after they get in the house otherwise you are in more trouble than they are.:rl:
  16. K

    Will a 911 call save you?

    My son was home when someone tried to break into his house, but he scared them off. He called 911 and was on HOLD for 20 minutes. His wife was on her way to work and was in the next town (Bay Area) and got to the house before the police did!
  17. K

    New old guy

    People are so rude. One of my clients is a deaf boy and his former foster family treated him like a slave.
  18. K

    My Hamster...........ERRR EKK!!! URGENT!!!

    have you found it yet? My daughter used to have hamsters and they would get out sometimes. She found most of them. Hope you find it soon
  19. K

    Do you worry about Gas and Oil this winter 2008/2009???

    I only use a wood stove now for the past 3 years and I love it.  As for gas for my car, I intend to park it for the next few months and will walk to work. 