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  1. guido

    Have you ever been hit by a taser gun?

    Oh! You mean a gooch, or a taint. No. It was slightly more forward. I wish I knew how to be more coy about this.
  2. guido

    Have you ever been hit by a taser gun?

    I am a simple creature. :( What's a bonch? :confused: You're not wrong.
  3. guido

    Who would win in a fight?

    No weapons.
  4. guido

    Have you ever been hit by a taser gun?

    I can admittedly say I have been shocked myself with a taser before. It was on a dare. I'm not going into details on where on my body I did it. :whistle: It sucked. Really bad. It took me about a day to regain complete feeling.
  5. guido

    Who would win in a fight?

    A deaf person or a blind person? :confused: No pacies. :nono:
  6. guido

    Why do you do drugs?

    I am not a drug user, but I have "experimented." I only recently tried marijuana for the first time ever. I liked it, and I didn't even get high off it. Only in the past year have I started drinking, too. For a very short time, I delved into painkillers. I guess I tried all these things...
  7. guido

    Verizon now offer Plan for Deaf and HH

    Make sure you buy it dinner before you take advantage of it. *rim shot* I couldn't resist. That does seem like a good deal, and I can recieve a 22% corporate discount from Verizon. I might consider jumping from T-Mobile for this. The ENV looks like a pretty cool phone, comparable to the...
  8. guido


    That's odd. I thought Wal-Mart's new policy stated they would not persecute shoplifters caught stealing less than $25 of merchandise. Report: Wal-Mart to charge shoplifters who steal $25 or more - Jul. 13, 2006 Well, it is a good deterrant for potentials shoplifters. I guess I have to...
  9. guido

    DEBATE: Quality of AllDeaf

    I get what you're saying. There definately isn't as much variety on topics as when I first joined. In fact most topics are just uninteresting to me. I'm pretty partial to debating theology, yet what's the point when all you really see are "Jesus Loves You" threads. I've become so disinterested...
  10. guido

    Sign for "Choir"?

    Not that I know of. I used to use the "B" handshape for band, and then "B" handshapes circling, like group or family, but there was another sign I learned instead. I forget exactly what it was. But if you look on, they have two different signs for band listed, but they're both combo...
  11. guido

    Sign for "Choir"?

    The way I was taught to sign "choir" is to sign it like music but with a "C" handshape.
  12. guido

    Animal Cruelty is okay?

    I don't get it.
  13. guido

    Looking for ASL tutor?

    Summer is here for me, leaving me with quite a bit of spare time. I really want to spend this time productively, and my number one priority is continuing my ASL lessons. I've had minimal learning since I was forced to stop classes last Fall. My skills seem to be regressing and I'm forgetting...
  14. guido

    Whatever happened to....?

    Ughh. You know. She who shall not be named. I'm pretty sure everytime someone says her name, she has a click in that weird-looking peanut of brain that senses attention.
  15. guido


    Tbmr The Butts Must Run. My turn: DTF.
  16. guido

    Whatever happened to....?

    You're not talking about HER are you? I figured if SHE was still around, I'd of seen her by now.
  17. guido

    Whatever happened to....?

    AD has a whole bunch of new people since I lasted posted on a regular basis, but many of the people I enjoyed having around seem to be long gone. Nancy, AJ, Katzie, CookieMonster, flyfishfemme, and..... *ahem* HER. I haven't seen posts by any of these people in the longest time. What the heck...
  18. guido

    Those threads have to be stopped

    I semi-agree on this. There has been an awful lot of "bad news" threads lately, and they generally do get pinned or in the way of other threads. I do think that anyone has the right to post news important and dear to them, however, there seems to be a practical need for a subforum. I think...
  19. guido


    Nooooo. People are whining about words being purposely misspelled because its trendy.
  20. guido


    What the fuck are you talking about!? You completely missed my point. Deaf or hearing is irrelevant. I misspelled "rediculous" on purpose because that is the new trendy way to spell ridiculous. Jesus Christ.:roll: