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  1. MushyCookies

    Who is single here?

    Heh, actually... it is pretty dry around here Where i am. Drool-free..Beside DeafTim and his Daily Flirt attempts.. I don't get hit on often. ;) I was going to say the same about you :angel:
  2. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Didn't see your message until now... :( It is Midnight over here now... Wonders what time it is over there too? (yes i don't really sleep much these days)
  3. MushyCookies

    Who is single here?

    I was the same around the ladies. It took me a bit but after going to a few clubs, i opened up some. :)
  4. MushyCookies

    Your Kitty-Kat's Favorite Food?

    Cat nips is my cat's cocaine. Seriously. She will eat it all up and anything you put in her bowl (meowmix) blah. That obese Cat will waddle to wherever there's food.
  5. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Things are turning out SO MUCH better today :D That evil chick finally showed her true colors to everybody and now they all see what i saw. The higher road works so much better than the lower one. <3 Jesus.
  6. MushyCookies

    True or False

    Never. That's when..>.> Insomnia FTW.
  7. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    :( If you want to talk about it. I am here for ya.
  8. MushyCookies

    Who is single here?

    You are cute. Ladies should be swarming you! Haha. Hope all is well.
  9. MushyCookies

    How are you feeling today?....

    Kind of hopeless at the moment. I had a case of a Demonic possession on a woman that goes by Mylissa. She was a team member. The possession got so bad, i start feeling sick and getting hurt whenever i was around her. So I decided I needed to get myself safe again so i quit the team. I had...
  10. MushyCookies

    Who is single here?

    :jaw: Is that picture in the Avatar slot of you?
  11. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    XD get your mind out of the gutter. :rofl:
  12. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Now everything makes sense! Haha :giggle: Deaftim .... >.>
  13. MushyCookies

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Wondering why the officers were knocking on the door a couple of minutes ago.... =/ Can't be good. If i had wore something more proper for answering the door , i would have answered it. >.< Now i am stuck here curious . Blah.
  14. MushyCookies

    I would like your opinion please.

    You are very welcome to post some on here! This forum is for Everybody, That means you too.... :P There are many sections you can post the videos on, even on this thread.
  15. MushyCookies

    True or False

    From now on, i am taping my mouth shut before bedtime.
  16. MushyCookies

    Anyone esle able to move their ears without moving anything else?

    LOL soulchill I buy stuff from that website! So many cool stuff.
  17. MushyCookies

    Determine Your Homes Value

    :rofl: xD
  18. MushyCookies

    What did you do today? Part II

    Looked through all the memes on my friend's pictures and...... BAM, I saw a picture of Jiro....... Wanna explain?
  19. MushyCookies

    Update on Hockeydude77(AKA Chris)

    There is a picture of him on a thread i made about Tattoos, Page 2. You can go and look and see if he is the guy! :)