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  1. MushyCookies

    I have a question about asking questions

    My family just say these words with a questioning facial expression.. but yes that's right.
  2. MushyCookies

    What kind of super-power would you want?

    I would want the healing power so I can help the others.
  3. MushyCookies

    The Kindle

    I have 2 ;) a kindle and a kindle fire.
  4. MushyCookies

    Girlfriend/boyfriend from Hell

    It was not that bad really. I have been through things that is much more worse than that. I absolutely agree with you, Weirdo. Sometimes people really need to open up their eyes and look deeper into some people. They will see that not everybody is really who they say they are ;)
  5. MushyCookies

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    I am not sure where in their page you saw that ...... they don't really update it often. But I don't see anything talking about 100 studeñts.
  6. MushyCookies

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    Me, that was the number last time I checked. It was around 50. So it have raised to 63 I see. Good for them! :)
  7. MushyCookies

    Weird habits?

    O.o maybe?
  8. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    I am aware of that. I was Joking BTW! :P
  9. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    Some men deserve it though! But yeah.... :P
  10. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    O_O my whole world have collasped just now. I see a kind siide of Jess toward the male species., is this possible?! I must be hallucinating.
  11. MushyCookies

    If you had to have a sign above your head all the time, what would it say?

    It's allright, my fellow Nerd/geek. I forgive you for this mistake..... XD (just teasing ya) :lol:
  12. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    Smart man right there. :cool2:
  13. MushyCookies

    If you had to have a sign above your head all the time, what would it say?

    I am pretty confused now lol..... I posted that as a idea of what i would put on a sign above me.. But that's ok :P
  14. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

  15. MushyCookies

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    XD Love Jess, Be my Body guard? LOL I think Calvin should Post more oftener >.> and not as a MOD, he's a cool guy.
  16. MushyCookies

    Deaf Woman Attacked by Pit Bull

    ;) You are CUTE. Not a great Troll but atleast you tried! Ador-f***ing-able!
  17. MushyCookies

    If you had to have a sign above your head all the time, what would it say?

    Or "Bad" so that if anybody read the sign, they can say "that's not a good sign" XD
  18. MushyCookies

    Deaf Woman Attacked by Pit Bull

    If it mean i get 3 guartneed meals per a day, a bed to sleep on and not have to pay for anything. I ain't complaining! ;)
  19. MushyCookies

    Deaf Woman Attacked by Pit Bull

    I honestly really think that it is the Owner's fault. It is their responsiblity to socialize and train the puppies. DOES NOT matter what breed the puppy is. I am a dog trainer, i would know. MANY does not and then they turn out to be a problem dog.