Search results

  1. P

    Stanford Discovery Could Lead To Cure For Deafness

    Also notice in the article how they point to around 10 years away now...not 20. 10. It may be even less if this ends up working well. Imagine if this research develops a cure. I don't know about you, but I would love to know what music really sounds like with two ears, what it's like to go...
  2. P


    Got a question for those here who are still able to use headphones. I'm in the market for a new pair of headphones for music that are not that expensive (don't need pro quality). Preferably less than $50.00. I have some requirements... 1. They must have high quality sound. 2. They must...
  3. P

    Survey for all hearing impaired

    1. What do you wear? Hearing aids? or cochlear implants? both ears or just one? One single hearing aid in the right ear. A digital Unitron 360e. Best hearing aid I've ever had. 2. Your hearing rate is .... db in left ear and .... db in right ear Left ear- Completely deaf, so no hearing aid...
  4. P

    Um, A Problem with a Cartoon

    ROTFLMAO I find that hilarious. No offense here. ;)
  5. P

    New HA's =)

    I was wondering that too. @shygirl1999 - I've had a dead left ear my whole life since I was 3 years old (30 now) and all I hear with a hearing aid is a tactile response (vibrations only - no audio so I get no localization abilities whatsoever). I'm curious as to why your audiologist would...
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    New HA's =)

    How the heck did you get insurance that pays for HAs?!?!?! :shock: BTW, congrats on the new ones. Which ones did you get?
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    Dear Phonak: Things I Would Like To See...

    Phonak FM- If air needs to get to the batteries and mics, why not consider creating a very small device w/its own extremely small power supply - invented by your company even if it hasn't been invented yet - (or somehow running off the battery) that provides a continuous stream of air hitting...
  8. P

    Which browser are you using?

    I use Google Chrome and FireFox exclusively. :cool2:
  9. P

    Sensorineural hearing loss

    nasif123 - Hi there! I've had severe/profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears since I was around 2-3 years old. My left ear is deaf and can't be helped with a hearing aid - all I get is a tactile or vibration response. My right ear is severe/profound at around 55-65 dB hearing loss @...
  10. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    People are starving in third world countries, can't find food or water or medical supplies, and the same conditions exist here. And you're worried about someone trying to find the lyrics to a song they obviously want to know more about? Wow. That's the most ignorant thing I've ever seen. Get...
  11. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    FINALLY!!!! I FOUND IT!!! And I found out the lyrics are "Your Papa, papparazzi" not "papa, papa help me". So it turned out to be Lady Gaga's "Papparazzi".
  12. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    rockin robin- That's what I've been doing to no avail. I've also done quite a few lyric search sites. I wouldn't be asking now if those searches turned up a result or others knew which song it is. Unfortunately- that's not it.
  13. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    rockin robin- That would be an option if the radio station would actually play it. That's what I'm waiting for, and the online broadcast from the radio station hasn't played it yet. I listened to the radio for 4+ hours yesterday trying to find the song with no luck. I've also asked quite a...
  14. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    LOL...thanks Vampyro...unfortunately Help Me Rhonda by the Beach Boys is not it. :( Argh. Trying to find this song is driving me crazy. Haha!
  15. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    That's the problem- I'm not 100% sure. The announcers don't announce anything and I can't tell anything beyond those few words. I'm thinking it's pop, but that's the only thing I know about that song. :( But, the lyrics are, distinctively, "HELP me, papa papa HELP ME" and then the female...
  16. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    Well...looks like my mission this weekend is to find this song. Gonna listen to KBIG 104 from my computer and try and find this song's title when it comes on. It's bugging the heck out of me. :cool2:
  17. P

    Okay, I can't understand the lyrics to this song...

    Well, this is the movies/books/TV/media forum and I was assuming that some of those of us with better hearing (such as interpreters, etc.) might know and be willing to help out. Plus, I don't belong to any music forums. :)