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  1. dreamsfloatjoe

    2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    :wave: Go Flyers! :giggle: (Pretty pleeze? :ty:)
  2. dreamsfloatjoe

    New members here

    :wave: Chips Ahoy and welcome aboard All Deaf Jurgen81, from the deep south of upstate Florida on the right coast! :giggle:
  3. dreamsfloatjoe

    Where's everyone from?

    :wave: Upstate Florida on the first right coast, fishing happily ever after! :giggle:
  4. dreamsfloatjoe

    Best TV Show Right Now?

    :wave: My favorite TV show is Little People, Big World! :D
  5. dreamsfloatjoe

    What do you NOT look for in a relationship?

    :wave: Me, myself and I Do NOT look for a Husband! :giggle:
  6. dreamsfloatjoe

    NEW> NBC Trumps Up New Celebrity Apprentice Cast

    I still believe Jesse will be and I am rooting for James to be the next Celebrity Apprentice. James has said on more than one occasion this season, he is holding back on pulling out his big guns (people with lots of money) to help someone else win as a project leader. He will call them when he...
  7. dreamsfloatjoe

    New to site, hearing mother of deaf son...

    ]:wave: Chips Ahoy and welcome aboard west, by God All Deaf Ms Melody In Vienna and family, from upstate Florida on the right coast. :giggle: Hope you'll love the deaf community here equally as well. You've got the A-team here! :laugh2:
  8. dreamsfloatjoe

    FYI: Shrimp Festival, Amelia Island, Florida ...

    ]:wave: Wonderful Ms Rockin Robin! If, you make the opening parade Thursday night, I'll be walking at the rear of our Pirates Club float handing out beads, then I'll be down at Ye Ole Pirate. Fri, Sat and Sun I will either be at the Pirate booth or down on Ye Ole Pirate from early in the...
  9. dreamsfloatjoe

    FYI: Shrimp Festival, Amelia Island, Florida ...

    :wave: :ty: Brian! I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers Consultin' with the rain. And my head I'd be scratchin' while my thoughts were busy hatchin' If I only had a brain. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le, In trouble or in pain. With the...
  10. dreamsfloatjoe

    FYI: Shrimp Festival, Amelia Island, Florida ...

    :wave: It's the 46th Anniversary and May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be even bigger and better than ever with Fine Arts & Crafts, Antiques & Collectibles, Southwest Airlines Kids Korner and Live Entertainment from two stages! The Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival includes dozens of food booths...
  11. dreamsfloatjoe

    new member

    :wave: Chips Ahoy and welcome aboard All Deaf Ms Rose Cottage (you sweet lil o jaw ja peach you) & family, from upstate Florida on the right coast. We hope you will return here often! Hugs,
  12. dreamsfloatjoe

    Sleeping with the TV on....a must for some people?

    :wave: This is what I do J Clarke, I set the auto turn off timer to 1 -2 hours depending how tired I am. I also set the auto channel changer to change to something I know will put me to sleep during the commercial breaks, like a Murder She Wrote rerun. Every week day evening at 11 PM Murder...
  13. dreamsfloatjoe

    I'm sad :(

    :wave: :grouphug:
  14. dreamsfloatjoe

    Im new :]

    :wave: Chips Ahoy and welcome to All Deaf Ms Shelby Marie from upstate Florida on the right coast. I am unable to help you with information for your project. However, I'm confident someone will be along who will help you. You've got the A Team here! :giggle:
  15. dreamsfloatjoe

    Kips Boat (URL)

    :wave: Kips Boat: Kips Boat
  16. dreamsfloatjoe


    :wave: I Tweet and Twitter! :giggle: My tweets are not about me, there about people fishing. :D I freely admit, I'm still learning how to blog, Twitter, Tweet, Face Book, etc. I'm a life long student. I do enjoy writing about families that go fishing and share their pictures. Their...
  17. dreamsfloatjoe

    Deaf Dinner!

    :wave: Risk = Yuck! Way to go go Ms Candy Brown Eyes! How was the food? What did you eat? Have oceans of fun at the club :dance2: and church! :angel: HAPPY for YOU!
  18. dreamsfloatjoe

    NEW> NBC Trumps Up New Celebrity Apprentice Cast

    :wave: Joan and Mellisa Rivers = Yuck! Joan acts like a 5 year old. "If, my daughter gets fired, I'm outta here." Joan and Mellisa are the gossip ladies and the back stabbers, IMHO. Joan is not funny, funny looking yes! :laugh2: If, Joan knows sooooooooo much about jewelry, then why didn't she...
  19. dreamsfloatjoe

    Do you know of a free website that is reliable?

    :wave: I highly recommend *Talkspot Reliable. Very easy to learn. Very easy to use. Excellent Tech Support. I'm willing to assist as needed, when I can create the time. (I'm busy fishing :giggle: often, like later on this morning, weather and seas permitting) Questions? You have...
  20. dreamsfloatjoe

    Obama Fried Chicken

    :wave: Leave the sign up, remove Obama! Problem solved. :laugh2: :giggle: