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  1. playsonfreeway

    Obama administration blocks Texas voter ID law

    Wirelessly posted The problem with the Obama administratio is the republican controled congress. Almost Everything he tries to do the vote down.
  2. playsonfreeway

    I don't need those kinky webcams, thank you....

    Wirelessly posted I think if you wanted to talk about a turbocharged ferrari she would have said yes
  3. playsonfreeway

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    Wirelessly posted We are all people does that make us all peepies? ;-)
  4. playsonfreeway

    Baseball Cards question

    Wirelessly posted Ebay is not really a good outlet for Baseball cards. Unless he has rare cards. Also the rare or higher valued cards he would have to get them rated for condition. It would. Be a good idea to find baseball card. Shop and ask them to look at the cards to give him an...
  5. playsonfreeway

    Do you remember you were in 60's,70's,80's,90's,00's and what is new in 10's??

    Wirelessly posted I graduated high school in 1971
  6. playsonfreeway

    THose of You That Love Obama

    Wirelessly posted I think we should impeach all of congress and start over. Maybe we can representtives that can make a decision
  7. playsonfreeway

    quick question

    Wirelessly posted Great thread!!! Very informative. Can anyone recomend some books or something to help learn the grammer.
  8. playsonfreeway

    Court decides seniors can't reject Medicare

    Wirelessly posted I was under the impression if your income was above a certan amount you won't get your SS. I am assuming that would include interest ect. But I am probably wrong
  9. playsonfreeway

    Who do you think you are related to?

    Wirelessly posted If you are talking blood relatives I haven't a clue. I was adopted. But I hear rumors I am related to a couple named Adam and Eve or some guy named Noah
  10. playsonfreeway

    Students, Read here about best Deaf education first!

    Wirelessly posted What you alls gettin lazy? ;-)
  11. playsonfreeway

    Ask the seller the cost???

    Wirelessly posted I would ask the seller and find the cost from a qualified person. I would want to know how honest the seller is.
  12. playsonfreeway

    weird learning phenomenon

    Wirelessly posted If you have an android phone has fingerspelling app and also a numbers app. It fingerspells the words or numbers then you type in the answer
  13. playsonfreeway

    I'll prefer commission, please....

    Wirelessly posted The auction house has its costs to recoup. For items under $125 it isn't profitable for them to handle on percentage. What is the value of your bikes? Do you think they will sell for more $125?
  14. playsonfreeway

    Go, Ron Paul, Go!

    Wirelessly posted No just under the freeway
  15. playsonfreeway

    Go, Ron Paul, Go!

    Wirelessly posted Ron Paul who?
  16. playsonfreeway

    Just missed accidents without hearing aids on

    Wirelessly posted Something every driver Deaf or Hearing should do. Be always alert.
  17. playsonfreeway

    Pet Peeves

    Wirelessly posted 1.
  18. playsonfreeway

    this is scam

    Wirelessly posted I think you can forward the email with header to
  19. playsonfreeway

    this is scam

    Wirelessly posted It is easier to just ignore these things
  20. playsonfreeway

    What Degrees Do You Think Is Most In Demand?

    Wirelessly posted You only said you were looking to get a degree you didn't say how much time you were willing to invest in it. But even nurse without degrees make decent money I think