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    Explicit 'Banned Book' Infuriates Virginia Father...

    A junior in high school and the parent's getting worked up over this? I'd understand if the people lived under a rock but about overreacting.
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    Protoplanets = 'wannabe planets'

    I'm still a little upset about Pluto being removed as a planet just because of it's irregular orbit
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    This makes me worry!!

    similar only because stargate has a lot of episodes relating to blackholes in outer space. If you remember the episode when SGC had sent a team to a world and, when they dialed back, they'd dialed a world that was being consumed by black hole and, because they couldn't close the open...
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    I went on a movie binge this past weekend and saw: Pineapple Express The Phonebooth The Brothers Bloom Apocalypto Fight Club Ferris Bueler's Day Off Fast Time at Ridegemont High Monty Python and the Holy Grail SuperHigh Me Jarhead Inglorious Bastards
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    Father Charged with Rape of 8 Day-Old Baby

    This man is truly vile...
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    Airline Asks Passengers to Empty Bladders Before Boarding Flights

    thinking the same thing :laugh2:
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    A young Italian girl was going on a date..

    This one's a classic!
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    Video of Elephant Birth AMAZING

    2:25-4:03 the baby elephant doesn't breathe. I was getting a little worried! Congrats to the new mom
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    What kind of vehicle do you desire to purchase?

    Manual 2000 Honda Civic. It's simple, dependable, fuel efficient and drives nice. Good year, too.
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    10 Reasons Why Computers are Better Than G'Friends

    Starting with the fact that computers HAVE an off button :giggle:
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    Levi Johnston will pose for Playgirl.

    Wasn't much use for him after the election. He was just there to push the image of family. I wonder if he ever charged the Palin's for all his appearances especially because I'm sure he knew the relationship was over ages ago? :hmm: I certainly would have! Even if he didn't, he's certainly...
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    'Dear Tide'.....

    :laugh2:Lol products that deliver
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    Levi Johnston will pose for Playgirl.

    reminded me of a song Eminem once wrote:
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    Saudi sex braggart gets 5 years, 1,000 lashes

    Rape isn't legal in American jails either but it still goes on. 1000 lashes for a broadcast? How many should Paris Hilton get??
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    Who are the famous deaf in the Deaf History?

    Wow really? I used to watch that show all the time
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    Democrats vow to ban domestic violence as 'pre-existing condition'

    Wow I didn't even know such a thing actually happened! These insurance companies are really despicable :shock:
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    Chicago Eliminated As Olympic Host City

    Up to 1:39 (Cheering from the Audience) Jon Stewart: Hey, everybody. Thank you very much. Welcome to the Daily Show. Thank you! Thank you! I apologize in advance; I have a sore throat and my voice is not particularly strong tonight. We have a good show for you tonight, no matter what. The...
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    'Big Fat Black Lady' Angered by Gas Station Receipt

    It's only negative if you take your friend saying your mom has a big butt in that way. This whole thing's really being blown out of proportion. While the clerk could have been more sensitive, he didn't do anything illegal or unethical and, in fact, did a nice thing by holding the $10 when he...
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    Which one like Superheroes?

    Green Lantern! Even though he's powerless to stop yellow objects lol
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    What are you thinking about?

    While waiting for my aid to come through, I applied for a loan to tide me over until then. Still waiting on the aid AND the loan to be processed 2 months after the semester started and counting... MDC's Financial Aid office is so inefficient!! I'm thinking about where my money is and why I...