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  1. C

    Happy Birthday To My Hubby!

    Well I would think he'll go for the real one first then the cake or smear some cake on the real one then do whatever he desires lol :giggle: (getting off the hook here - says no more lol) OOPPPSSS dang it, this was YESTERDAY's new... duh me I need to go back to bed!!! well what happened?? lol
  2. C

    Happy Birthday To My Hubby!

    she better get a camera read to see how his expression is like when he sees that cake :giggle:
  3. C

    Happy Birthday To My Hubby!

    OHHHHHHHHHH I love Lemon with passion, esp like lemon pudding, or lemon pie, or lemon cake... mmm....with chocolate icing on top mmm...
  4. C

    Happy Birthday To My Hubby!

    OMG girl, lol that's cute, kidding aside (are the identical to yours :giggle:) don't hit me now!! ohh wow Red Lobster I haven't been there for years!!! have a great time!! be good now.. smile HAPPYYY BIRTHDAY to Curtis... and many more to come...
  5. C

    Is it safe to eat sushi?

    also mercury in deodorant as well... so it's not just in fish but many things..
  6. C

    Is it safe to eat sushi?

    sushi isn't all raw fish as some like the California roll with avocado, rice, seaweed I can handle but the others I'm not too sure... lol ... I use to love Tuna but I prefer Red Salmon over Tuna anyday.. smile...
  7. C

    Do you think it's good idea to label

    I would have to agree with Liebling in regards to the humiliated response simply is to put personal aside as it's business... totally agree that we have a need to know the reason why it was removed or maybe it was removed by mistake.... like some other moderators will explain the reason then be it..
  8. C

    Do you think it's good idea to label

    In spite of the Cloning Label, I totally all for it just like Organic food is all labelled for people to see the difference. I don't see no harm to it unless if they want to cheat us then that's a no no... In respect to Moderator situation, maybe they just learning how it is but the...
  9. C

    Which to buy Laptop for travelling

    firewire means what?? well again I don't think for the purpose of this not to be a heavy user for all programs i think?? Well simply put, they can't please everyone lol!!!!
  10. C

    Which to buy Laptop for travelling

    even if you use the remote disc that you can download anything from your PC or MAC while you are away ... I would think this is good for travelling just for short time not a heavy user to use it all the time. smile... I think it's a cool one .... smile
  11. C

    Blackberry memory

    I'm sooooo jealous of you all getting the BB 8320 cause they don't sell it in Canada... boohoo!!! oh well in time I hope this year... but I can't complain as I have the 8700 is good enough for time being.. My girlfriend has the red pearl and it's really awesome looking fun one... ENjoy!!!
  12. C

    White Beans, Spinach & Tomatoes over Parmesan Toasts

    LOL!!! well that's what I thought as we call it Kidney Beans here smile... no sweat!!! as I love Red kidney beans in my chili mmmm... a great source of protein ...
  13. C

    Vacation 2008

  14. C

    White Beans, Spinach & Tomatoes over Parmesan Toasts

    White bean as in kidney beans???
  15. C

    The importance of handwashing for your health

    good post Liebling, also I believe to wash hands like the doctors do lol... and I do not open the bathroom knobs with my bare clean hands but with my coat or a paper towel in my hand to open it... many things to prevent it... I always washing my hands and put moisturizer as my hand tends to get...
  16. C

    The importance of handwashing for your health

    GASPS!!!! lmao I wouldn't want to go there!!!
  17. C

    Vacation 2008

    lol... *coughs back at ya* I get more than you!! lol just kidding
  18. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    Awww Angel!!!! don't feel bad, we just don't want you to feel misery but help along for preventation next time.... don't worry be yourself!!! that's all it matters.. I know what's it like to be so miserable with no end sight but I sure hope you do get it checked out from my point of view... IT's...
  19. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    THE worst to be a smoker if you have Bronchitis, I suggest to don't smoke or else you won't get better faster... I never heard of zithromax ... I'll have to look it up but knock on wood I haven't have any bouts of bronchitis whew... I feel sorry for the ones that are prone to it!!! anything is...
  20. C

    Here comes Spring, here comes the flu blah...

    knock on wood!!! lol... I always have my antibacterial bottle at my desk and I clean my keyboard and table with an oxy wipes once a week... or whatever I feel up to it... I never open the bathroom doors with my bare hands at shopping mall i'll use my coat or paper towel to open it.. I think we...