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  1. candybrowneyes

    treatment among your friends with c.i.

    yes, because I read your very first post. Trust me when I say you are not the first person to come and push how great CI is on the members here. NO ONE will take that away from you and you have a right to your own opinion. But here is the thing, you asked that question knowing that it may stir...
  2. candybrowneyes

    General rule in this section

    FF, I figured this may be asked :) The thing is if someone comes asking about ASL or Oral that is fine, you can give your respectful opinion and explain why or why not. If this turns into an argument then we will be watching who starts the argument. There are productive ways of discussing...
  3. candybrowneyes

    treatment among your friends with c.i.

    I'd imagine because he KNOWS them really well. I have been around people like this as well... I have even been guilty of this I think. Funny how you have just 2 posts on this site and you come out with guns slinging asking questions to people you do not know.:shock:
  4. candybrowneyes

    General rule in this section

    New Sub-Forum in : Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants Dear Members, We have created a new sub-forum in the Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants section titled: Parents of Deaf Children with CI's. A few things about this new forum. -Only parents who are considering CI for their children are allowed...
  5. candybrowneyes

    Your account wasn't suspended

    lol, I got the same message when I first logged in and was like UMMM ME??? LOL thought I was a really bad Mod for a minute hahaha
  6. candybrowneyes

    Your account wasn't suspended

    AD was just down for a moment :) and as you can see its back up =)
  7. candybrowneyes

    hi iam new :)

    Nice to meet you :) I think you will like it around here if you stick around :wave:
  8. candybrowneyes

    hi iam new :)

    Hey Holly, welcome to AD, how old are you? If you dont mind me asking
  9. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    thats the thing, she has told me and others she does, but how are we to know if she really does?
  10. candybrowneyes

    Pet Peeves

    LOL, admitting you have a problem is the first step hahaha
  11. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    Ty! I was going to get it and saw you posted it!
  12. candybrowneyes

    Pet Peeves

    Also, when I am somewhere ordering food and they are making your food in front of you. ie: Subway They cough into their hands because they are covering their mouth and then TOUCH THE FOOD.. I've walked out of Subway when seeing this before.
  13. candybrowneyes

    Benefits to being Deaf/HOH

    Mod Note: Change the title to the thread =)
  14. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    Blame them! lol If you want to look at text that is very well written in ASL there is a thread here for ASL only :)
  15. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    its not yet, but will be... In Sunnys case I don't think its her thing but in all the other girls who have joined I definitely think so.
  16. candybrowneyes

    Pet Peeves

    Pet Peeves???? I have them, you know you have them, lets talk about them! One of mine is when I am driving, or even not driving the person in front of me has a NEVER ENDING BLINKER on.... lol :giggle:
  17. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    Yeah, as time has gone on I am pretty sure she wasn't deaf as well, not even in the slightest...
  18. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    dogmom to be honest, I am sure there are probably others here that just haven't been caught. They always seem to be lurking. But as far as the little hearing girls, Im not kidding when I say this started happening when Switched at Birth came on TV. Dont get me wrong, the show is great and...
  19. candybrowneyes

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    In all fairness, Byrdie was a real person, he just fabricated an elaborate story to disappear