Search results

  1. ohmylight

    What makes you unique?

    That's great to fight for something like that :) I started my undergrad education in Tucson, AZ, so I saw a lot of Pima Indians & other tribes represented on campus. There was a massive display of culture "on the lawn" which was in the center of campus. When I was growing up I was in...
  2. ohmylight

    What makes you unique?

    *See the bold!*
  3. ohmylight

    What makes you unique?

    I volunteer photographing rescues. I did an awesome series about stereotyping disability for graduate school last year and got some great adoptions facilitated. I was photographing animals who had a visible disability.... amputation or glaucoma etc. My own cat has no tail, but he doesn't have...
  4. ohmylight

    Deaf/HOH, What are your pet peeves from hearing people?

    Haha I think you can have an opinion. You hear comments from hearing people about the Deaf.
  5. ohmylight

    What makes you unique?

    Because we have one similar and heavily stereotyped label, I thought it might be cool to know what makes you unique? Support the idea that were all very different... We all have different experiences and lives, something which I feel sometimes gets overlooked when we become "subjects" for ASL...
  6. ohmylight

    Deaf/HOH, What are your pet peeves from hearing people?

    As a kid I played with a neighbor and learned Dutch just because that was how to talk to her. I wasn't forced to hang out with her nor was it the plan to get me to learn Dutch purely by repeated exposure. I wanted to play with my friend, thus I learned it without even trying. Same with German...
  7. ohmylight

    transgender interpreters

    As someone who uses interpreters, I wouldn't have any problem with it. Your personal life is yours, it wouldn't even cross my mind to judge you. I've had interpreters who have had issues working in my undergraduate classes because of nude models (I was an art student and it made them...
  8. ohmylight

    Anyone do Yoga?

    I do yoga! I'm horrible at it though because I tend to fall over a lot. It's calming though :) I like to put it on my iPad so I can push my iPad around to always see it at least in my peripheral. I've never found one with CC. I've been doing yoga since 2006 or so, when my hearing and balance...
  9. ohmylight

    Good deaf dating sites?

    I met my current boyfriend on OKC... when I told him to text not call on the way to the first date it definitely didn't sink in and he called... lol On one hand people on dating sites are often ready to date someone, not already happily dating someone or not interested in dating anyone yet out...
  10. ohmylight

    Fake Sign Language Interpreter at Nelson Mandela memorial

    It has CC on hulu... KENAN!!! Totally saw that coming.... Not very accurate though because they're gesturing, not making up signs out of the blue.... haha
  11. ohmylight

    Whitehouse Petition to make all online media content accessible. READ MORE...

    I would argue to try to caption news and current events as well as medical or psychological media first.
  12. ohmylight

    How long did it take you to be fluent in ASL?

    I'm late deafened. I was comfortably using an interpreter after 1 year (but still slow)... By 3 years I was very much up to speed and much more fluent. ASL is my 8th language though so I don't think that much speed is the norm. I was on scholarship to study linguistics when I had the worst of my...
  13. ohmylight

    FDA examining antibacterial soaps, body washes

    I'm allergic to triclosan... As well as many fake fragrances. Triclosan is in toothpaste too.
  14. ohmylight

    Who here is on a Hearing/Deaf relationship now?

    Late deafened girl here, in a 3+ year relationship with a hearing boy who learned to sign shortly after meeting me (a month in or so) I was already deaf before meeting him. I talk back though orally maybe 80% of the time.
  15. ohmylight

    Deaf folks: What is your occupation, and educational background?

    I freeze people in time. I'm a deaf magician. I sign spells and push a button and voilá, captured. Lol photographer. And I was a dual major in undergrad and graduate student for UG studio art and psych and graduate fine art photography.
  16. ohmylight

    Deaf/HOH, What are your pet peeves from hearing people?

    I wildly disagree. If you want to know a pet peeve it's just that. I'm an individual on this forum and I'm different from others on here. My deafness and the fact that I use ASL does NOT define most of my life. If you go in assuming that we're all the same that's like assuming a random group of...
  17. ohmylight

    I want to learn ASL.

    You might have luck learning from people more fluent than you at or an evening class at a college. Also many of my friends learn sign language just by chatting with me (not about ASL, just about interests).... So seek out a new friend and find a common interest? I grew up in Europe...
  18. ohmylight

    Total Late Deafness and Voice...

    Meh - INDIVIDUALS can be hostile.... Born deaf, late deafened, or hearing.... I sincerely don't think you can stereotype all of us late deafened people as hostile. We all have our own baggage and it's a different sort of situation when your family starts to point out all the flaws in your once...
  19. ohmylight

    How do I know if I'm pronouncing it correctly?

    Do you have an iPhone? Maybe see if Siri (or Dragon or another speech recognition software) can understand you when you try to annunciate?
  20. ohmylight

    Sad Cat Diary

    Haha zefrank is awesome :)