Search results

  1. E

    Have you use virtual machine software for Mac OS X 10.6.4 running on Windows 7 ?

    It's not really a good idea if you want to do things which require a lot of resources, such as video editing. Running 2 operating systems at the same time (which is effectively what you're doing) puts a lot of extra load on your resources. In many cases, it's more productive to run a native...
  2. E

    Deaf Bikers: What do you ride?

    I used to ride one of these when I was 17 Yamaha Aerox 100cc It was fun in the summer but no fun in the winter.
  3. E

    Retro Communication

    My first mobile phone:
  4. E

    Subscriptions Threads

    It's not a glitch. It's a feature that was previously disabled by default. I PMed Alex about it and he enabled it. So blame me if you don't like it! It's actually a good way to help boost forum activity because people are more likely to return to threads and reply to them. - Otherwise there's a...
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    Deaf & KFC drive-thru

    Are you old enough to drive? :P
  6. E

    Deaf & KFC drive-thru

    How do you guys go through KFC drive-thru (or any other microphone operated drive through for that matter) when you're alone? Here, KFC uses a microphone system where you're unable to see the operator while placing your order. You stop your car at a certain point, and speak into the...
  7. E

    Would a deaf man be interested in dating hearing woman?

    Some deaf people may prefer the idea of dating a hearing person because hearing people can often act as a second pair of ears. But I guess it would depend on the person. However, as FrankJr55 implied, communication is key to any relationship. If you can't communicate with your partner in a way...
  8. E

    Hostile society of the hearing people

    I think this question would be near impossible for anyone to realistically answer unless they're commonly around blind or wheelchair bound people.
  9. E

    Please change back old username

    Only admins can change usernames, not mods.
  10. E

    is it normal for deaf people to worry about this?

    I kinda fit in the middle. I'm neither profoundly deaf or of normal hearing. But I can relate to what you're saying and hopefully provide some advice from the other "side" too! Don't worry about making loud breathing noises. It's usually far too quiet for people to take any notice unless...
  11. E

    Hearing Looks vs Deaf Looks

    My guess is that the person who said that probably has a warped perception of what constitutes a deaf person. For instance, people often associate other attributes with certain things. E.g., if you met someone who was completely illiterate, you may automatically assume that they're uneducated...
  12. E

    My new film about my Broken Cochlear BP100

    I had a BAHA once and just thinking about it makes my head hurt where it once used to be! How weird is that!
  13. E

    I am looking for serious relationship

    When he realises that his life is a failure, he will probably move on to do big things in life, like becoming a World of Warcraft gold seller!
  14. E

    Who else doesn't like digital hearing aids?

    I much prefer digital aids. It's easier for an audiologist to tune it exactly to my needs. It also means that I can go to many NHS hospitals and they will be able to access my data for my aid, thus making replacement quick and easy wherever I am. I once asked for a grey one. Had a choice out...
  15. E

    Do people understand you?

    Sorry for the subjective title. Basically, do you think that most of your friends and family members understand your needs? I'm HoH and sometimes I think that my family & friends forget. For instance, they will often use an aggressive tone when asked to repeat something. Or, they may...
  16. E

    I am looking for serious relationship

    Does "large wallet" form part of the criteria? :P
  17. E

    Start my own business

    You need to look on ebay and search for products that you intend sell. Check how much they are and whether or not you can compete. Startup investment costs should not be too high if you start off small, working from home until you're able to expand. I think your biggest challenge will be...
  18. E

    Anyone have people hang up when using Relay?

    I don't get it. Why would they hang up?
  19. E

    Watch the ship, its crazy!!!

    Send it to any hearing person and they will almost have a heart attack!
  20. E

    The very worst kind of lift-off close call

    I never liked working with 2 post lifts. I always went into OCD mode and kept checking to make sure the vehicle was secure. I much preferred working with 4 posters.