haha! it might just! lol you will just have to come to Ga for the never ending winter!! lol
it would have been awkward between us if you said Yes! lol haha! i love that city
Mew-seem like you are popular for no reason at all and like Calvin said maybe a secret admirer! ;) haha! but who knows people are weird and just really wants attention sometime
i hate night shift! cant wait to go home and sleep
i was gonna say have you met a man in his late 60s with a ragtail works for Hawii Tropic by the name of Dan Adams since EVERYONE knows Dan Adams in Panama City! haha!! but anyway oh fun, yeah maybe since its gotten very hot these days
luckily its my last week of doing the night shift! i have gotten used to it but it does suck tho but gonna do what i gonna do to keep busy
Mew- i like you! PLEASE Skype me! Haha! :lol: just kidding anyway i just wanna do that to you. but yeah i hadnt gotten those yet but they do sound...
i am from Atlanta and know some places every month of the first saturday all the deaf kids would get together at the Georgia Mall thats up in Gwinnett County and i know there are Deaf day at Six Flags i will have to ask my friends to see when it is on facebook but thats the two i know of
Hmmm...I don't think I ever heard of that, the only way I know gay is sign is making a G sign and pointing to the chin but not that way that you are saying before...Hmm
ever had on slippers at home and leave the house to go work, forgetting you had your slippers on and didnt realized it till hours later when you look down at your feet to noticed you still have slippers on! yeah that just happened to me. left the house forgetting to change shoes hours later...
I really don't wanna go to work tonight! Need to make myself get up and get ready! Thank god I have Friday and Saturday nights off. Really hating this night shift job.
I won't even worry about them at all sweetie. I am sure they will soon just fade away and mind their own business and not even worry about you anymore.