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  1. Nic

    Audism on Wikipedia May Be Deleted

    I never looked at Deaf as stupid either, it's obviously ignorant to judge any person as stupid without getting to know them first. But, I think it's fairly unique that people take the time to understand differences instead of just judging them instantly and being scared of change or having to...
  2. Nic

    Holy cow!

    I like how shallow it's buried. That's the best part IMO. So old that history forgot there were giants, but it's less than a foot under the surface. :-P
  3. Nic

    Deaf, hearing relationships

    Deaf or hearing, different people are just different. Some will be more open and direct, others will be more indirect and worry about hurting feelings or whatever. But, from what I've experienced Deaf culture does seem to promote openness, sharing, and forwardness more than most U.S. hearing...
  4. Nic


    Any sun exposure, or flying, or breathing polluted air, eating food sprayed with pesticide, etc etc. The ways we increase the odds of developing cancer are endless. It's just some ways are more prone to increase odds than others, and some things we have to do, like breathing. Even with cancer...
  5. Nic

    1 dead and 5 injured in burglary

    Caz is from the UK right? I don't think the have the gun problems the states do. Lots more regulations on firearms I think.
  6. Nic

    Windows 10 Upgrade free

    It's nothing fancy. Free and gets the job done well though ☺
  7. Nic


    Not dismissive entirely, just that it's a personal decision and everyone's circumstances are different. I get why people would want them and I get why they don't. When/if the time comes I'm not sure which way I'd go. On the one hand I'm a big fan of technology and swore I'd never become an old...
  8. Nic


    Bah, we're all already cyborgs anyway Hoichi, with our smart phones and other technologies that augment our abilities. CI isn't that much different, just implanted... How long do you suppose it'll be before consumer tech offers implanted stuff to people? More seriously though this would worry...
  9. Nic

    My CAPD apparently is from Traumatic Brain Injury, & I'm also mildly HOH

    You've known about the CAPD for more than a year, and assumedly have lived with it longer than that. So I imagine you'd just go on doing what you've been doing. Knowing the cause doesn't really change anything (which I think is why sometimes doctors seem to not care about causes when symptoms...
  10. Nic

    Greetings everyone!

    Ha! He's going for a strong Transformers name and you pin him with a name from very different type character on Family Guy ><. Maybe "Mega" instead? Also, welcome Meg(a)[tronicatron]!
  11. Nic

    Got New Naida's

    HAs amplify sound, CIs convert sound to electric impulses and skip the non-working parts of the ear by stimulating the auditory nerve directly. CIs require major surgery. From what I've heard from folks, the sound you hear with a CI is different from normal hearing and it takes a while to...
  12. Nic

    High Blood pressure can be very confusing

    Just load up your computer and 3d printer and you'll be good to go soon:
  13. Nic

    Windows 10 Upgrade free

    VLC is my player of choice. It can handle most any file types and it's lightweight.
  14. Nic

    Windows 10 Upgrade free

    I think the UK/EU version ships without media player for some legal reasons. The NA version does have media player though.
  15. Nic

    1 dead and 5 injured in burglary

    I've been thinking about this one more. I think your and Jezie's points are quite rational and logical. And I concede the differences between this and reckless driving. I too feel people should be held responsible for their own actions. So I find it weird that I still feel like creating the...
  16. Nic

    Deaf, hearing relationships

    ASL is a complete language with its own grammar and everything else that comes with language. English and ASL proficiency are as separate as German and English proficiency would be. How well someone has mastered either tends to be related to how long they've used them and under what conditions...
  17. Nic

    1 dead and 5 injured in burglary

    What if they called it manslaughter instead? I mean... I kind of get where you're coming from, that the other guy didn't intend to kill Cooper, but they did intend to perform a crime, and that crime came with the potential immediate penalty of death (as was the case for Cooper) should the...
  18. Nic

    How homes kept cool before the age of AC

    On the Eastern side of the state I'd say most people do have A/C. It gets flipping hot there in the summer (100s aren't uncommon). West of the mountains it's less common. I'd say maybe one in three have A/C? If that? And then those who have it probably only run it a few weeks most years. It...
  19. Nic

    How homes kept cool before the age of AC

    In Seattle (and the rest of the Pacific North West), lots of folks don't have A/C (myself included). To keep the house cool in the summer, we open all the windows at night, then close them early morning. We're lucky to typically have nice cool nights, so having all that nice cool mass in the...
  20. Nic

    Warning spider pic... need help identify it

    I'm pretty sure Bottesini and Sonocativo got it right: We had one of these in the garden when I lived in Michigan. Really pretty spider, neat looking and very distinct web.