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  1. S

    Irish law is crazy!

    It did happen here recently. A farmer faced with an intruder shot him. But he then followed the injured man 100 yards up the road and shot him dead. He was found guilty of murder as the prosecutor argued that when the man left his property there was no longer a threat. BUT,the farmer was...
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    Irish law is crazy!

    Thanks for that Jiro!
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    Irish law is crazy!

    But the problem is you cannot protect yourself untill he attacks you. He gets to make to first move which is crazy considering he may be armed with a weapon. You cannot injure him to protect your property.:roll: It's bloody crazy! Rockdrummer gives good advice as far as I'm concerned!
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    Irish law is crazy!

    I'd be interested to know what the legal position is in other countries regarding this subject? Here [ Ireland ] you are obliged to retreat if you are faced with an intruder in your home! If you do him any harm you will be charged with assault! You have to wait for him to attack you before...
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    English... UGH!

    :lol: That was good. I can never understand why Phonics is not spelt the way it sounds!:roll: .
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    Back from work!

    Starting a new job can sometimes be really tough. I remember about 10 years ago my wife got a job. At the start she came home crying every day cause she was so upset with similar situations like the ones you described. But she stuck with it and it became the best job she ever had. As time went...
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    Look what I won in a writing contest =)

    Wow! That was a very touching story from the heart. It was the type of story that you have to keep reading to find out how it ends. If it was a book, I would not of been able to put it down. Well done for been able to put it across so well. Sorry you had such a sad story to write though.
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    If there was a cure...

    Yes, have to admit I would. I was not born deaf. I lost my hearing 3 years ago after a spell in hospital. Finding work very hard so it would be nice to go back to the way I was...if someone only knew how to "fix" it.:lol:
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    Hello All

    welcome to Alldeaf!
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    Picture of Your Significant Other

    Here is my significant other draped over the bonnet of my car. Actually, I was thinking of selling her......the car that is. On less of course.. ..someone might be interested...I wonder! :hmm:
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    Mixed marriage

    Yea, of course. I just meant that I think it's often harded for the hearing person in a realationship. Of course I do my best so she does not crack up because of my bad hearing.:lol:
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    Mixed marriage

    I've no problem but it's harder for my wife who has normal hearing.
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    An insight into this sight

    I had a rare insight into blindness [for a person with normal vision] once. About 20 years ago I had an injury to my eyes. The hospital treated my injury and then had to bandage my eyes for a week. That was 1 week without sight. When the bandage came off all I could see was a white mist. I was...
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    Deaf transsexual raped and attempted murder

    There was a case in Dublin last year were a guy after having a few beers at a nightclub [got lucky!] and went home with a beautiful asian girl. Waking up the next morning to discover he had slept with a transsexual. [surely he must of known during their night of passion??] Unable to cope with...
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    Hello from PA

    :lol: I think quite a few people wander in here by accident! Welcome to Alldeaf! .
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    just moved to denver!

    :lol: I'm not from Denver, but welcome to alldeaf! .
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    a question about dog's habit.

    :lol: It's also good for keeping them away from your bins if they are outside!
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    a question about dog's habit.

    Well, if it's somebodys dog is annoying you and you don't want to make a big deal about it with the owner, I assume they are a friend. Here is a tip. Bring a small bit of pepper in your pocket. Just sprinkle a small bit were the dog is nibbling. Dogs hate pepper, he won't bother you again.
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    A childs tale

    Megan and the magic horse Every night before Megan would go to sleep she would always make sure to kiss Harry goodnight. Harry, was Megan’s horse. To be exact, Harry was a wooden Rocking horse and he lived in the corner of Megan’s bedroom. Megan got him from Santa when she was 4 years old. Of...
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    Person Below Me

    Most days. I read the cartoons, do the crossword and then read the stories. Is TPBM a couch potato?