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  1. S

    Would you rather I keep posting 'rather' threads or STFU?

    Just STFU and post another thread! :giggle:
  2. S

    Drive More Safely

    Unusual ad..but it gets the message across!
  3. S

    Would you rather kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab?

    I'm a masochist.....I want to kiss a jellyfish and stand on a crab at the same time! :giggle: .
  4. S

    Hello to all

    Welcome to Alldeaf! .
  5. S

    New around here, Hello!

    Welcome to Alldeaf! .
  6. S

    Train Ride....

  7. S

    Greetings from a hearing newbie!

    Welcome to Alldeaf! .
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    Welcome to Alldeaf! .
  9. S

    new arrival[s]!

    :aw: Just got delivery of a mammy and 5 kittens! One of the kittens is pure grey...absolutely beautiful!:), he will get a new home no problem! I'll take a few snaps later and post them. To busy now with feeding and nappy changes:giggle:
  10. S

    Another Newbie Thread

    Welcome to Alldeaf! :wave: .
  11. S

    familiar with this website?

    I decided to google my own AD screenname for a laugh but, nothing odd came up. Only links to here....nobody seems to care how I feel!:tears:
  12. S

    familiar with this website?

    Thats weird. Maybe you clicked on some link in a thread a long time ago and selected some 'mood icon'. Perhaps you have just forgotten?? Thats as far as my thinking goes. .
  13. S

    Machu Picchu! Mucho rain...

    Hope it turns out allright there. It was in our papers because there was a dozen Irish people that had to be airlifted out.
  14. S

    Back from work!

    Cool! Of course I could not really understand. I was able to guess some of what was been said. The Spanish finger-spelling looked very similiar although I think the Spanish alphabet might have more letters than we would use in english?
  15. S

    Are you afraid of needles

    I always opt for no needle if I'm in for a filling. The odd time it might be painfull so I would have to stop him and get the injection. But, normally..I do without.
  16. S

    Sex Offender Given 646-Yr. Sentence

    Mostly the judges. They seem to give a different sentence depending on how the mood takes them. He could of sent this creep away for 25 years. I hoping the victims will appeal against the sentence. They can do that and get it changed. They should not have to...they have been through enough.
  17. S

    Which One? Please Pick One...

    I like the yellow one. Oh wait...I'm colour blind! Kidding...A .
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    Sex Offender Given 646-Yr. Sentence

    646 years! Please send that judge to Ireland...we need him! 2 days ago a judge here gave a guy 4 years:shock: [which means he will be out in 2 1/2] for molesting and raping 10-20 young girls over a 10 year period! Judges in Ireland are totally out of touch with the real world:roll:
  19. S

    Back from work!

    I wonder is it based on the spanish language? Is spanish the language of Peru? Sorry xsuperchick for not knowing much about your country!
  20. S

    Back from work!

    Ah..I see!