Search results

  1. Journey

    Music Monday with Chris Hadfield

    This song was co-written by Chris Hadfield, the first International Space Station Commander from Canada. It was sung and played (on guitar) by Hadfield in the Space Station accompanied by schools and groups all across Canada (in many different languages) for "Music Monday 2013". This was the...
  2. Journey controversy

    I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with self-identity or identifying with a certain group, it is how we develop. Identities reflect what we value or see as valuable. The problem comes when we impose identities on others (labelling) or we insist others see us in the exact manner we...
  3. Journey

    Whats your dream location?

    I would love to have the money to vacation wherever and whenever - my current favorite places being Hawaii and Vancouver Island. However, I wouldn't want to live fulltime anywhere but where I do now. For me, it has the best of everything including family and friends.
  4. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Alleycat, we received a dump of snow on Monday, just days after the long winter's snow had finally disappeared. Now that it's May it better all disappear fast and return no more! So far today I am thinking one predominant thought, there is no way around it, Fibro sucks.
  5. Journey

    My new birthday rides

    Happy Birthday and what an interesting challenge you have set up for yourself :-). I think Bottesini made a great suggestion you should follow up on.
  6. Journey controversy

    If this were the case, it would eliminate a large portion of the deaf community in my area as well as many here in this forum.
  7. Journey

    'Major terrorist' plot broken up by Canadian and U.S. authorities

    Let me clarify a few points. First Canada does not have socialist government, it is a constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliament. The government cannot decide whatever they want anymore than the US government can. Secondly, the two accused have been watched and investigated for many...
  8. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    How lucky you are to be able to grow them ... I love asapargus!
  9. Journey

    Do you have cool or beautiful pictures?

    A small sample of the many beautiful and unforgettable sights we experienced in 'Paradise'.
  10. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Facing a gloomy day, lots of snow still hanging around and a mountain of work and wishing I was still in Hawaii where the views were much better!
  11. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    What a coincidence. Just the other day I was thinking how no one posts that they are having fish for supper. We eat a lot of fish, particularly salmon and tilapia ... usually twice a week. Glad to see that I am not completely alone in the fish department :lol:.
  12. Journey

    Hi all once again I am back,

    I can feel rather incompetent when it comes to fingerspelling. Sometimes, when I am spelling, my brain works faster than my fingers and they get muddled up. Sometimes when I am reading someone else's, my brain often stops working all together haha. I love the image of you signing to your dog...
  13. Journey

    How are you feeling today?....

    Congrats on your Anniversary, enjoy your vacation! The cake sounds perfect for delicious spring or summertime treat. Will you share the recipe? :-)
  14. Journey

    Hiding Places for a Spare House Key?....

    We have a deadbolt on the front door but a keypad in the back. We also have a keypad on our garage door and, within the garage, we have hidden a spare key for the deadbolt. At our lake property we have a keypad key safe. I find it comforting to know that, if someone needs to access either...
  15. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Ugh more snow in the forecast this week ... can't wait to exchange the white snow scenery for white sand!
  16. Journey

    Are hearing people supposed to be on this forum?

    I have to disagree on a couple of things. From what I have experienced here there are plenty of people who are willing to answer (what the writer may assume are) the most basic of ASL questions - sometimes it just takes a little patience or a repeat if the question has been overlooked. I...
  17. Journey

    No app for that.

    Technology is not the answer to everything! :giggle: Le papier ne sera jamais mort / Paper is not dead ! on Vimeo
  18. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    We have VRS, VPs and IP relay (through numerous providers) and unlimited data plans here in Alberta (BC does too). I am shocked to hear these are not availableToronto/Ontario. :shock:
  19. Journey

    when do you dump do you look at it?

    What does it say about this group that a thread on bowel movements is one of the most active lately? :shock: :giggle:
  20. Journey

    F*** It List

    Hopefully today's list would not be your permanent one! :-) Here's to a better day tomorrow! :wave: