Search results

  1. S

    Online Relationship?

    Thank you for the share. Yes, I agree with you. There is no difference between those dating methods, yet we know that there's no physical in 'online' dating same with no reality touch like I said. There's no guarantee for a ultra-safe dating in the world. Dating and commitment are scary, maybe...
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    Online Relationship?

    I am going to say NO to Long Distance Relationships. I do not consider online dating as a real relationship. It isn't. There is no real touch in online dating. From my own experience, I learned ALOT out of a 'online' relationship. It involved so much of emotional and mental breakdowns. I didn't...
  3. S

    be gentle...

    Hiya, welcome to Hi-ho neighbor if you're from B.C....well, which part of Canada are you from?
  4. S

    USA Deaf Basketball tourney in LV, NV

    I''m going to Las Vegas for the National Tournment for sure. I just love the road trips heh.
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    Sup Pacific Northwesterners!

    Hi-ho neighbor! Welcome to
  6. S

    Any Deaf bartenders out there???

    Thanks I'd like to thank everyone who post in this thread and it has been helpful! I'm figuring out about my 'side' job as a bartender which I hope I can get past somehow to get my bartending license with good advices. :deal:
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    Where is everyone from?

    You can figure that one out! Ashamed as a Seahawk fan but never ashamed of where I am from!
  8. S

    Funniest Beer Commericals you ever saw?

    Heineken I recent went to Amsterdam, Holland and went to check out the Heineken Brewery, this place is really awesome. I got 4 free drinks and boy, I was drunk coming out of that brewery place lol. I wish I could post a pic of the brewery but I don't know how to post it right here. Anyway, I...
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    What is your nationality ?

    2nd generation Irish American all the way. :beer:
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    Do you ever want to live in other country one day?

    I'd move to Kilkerry Co., Ireland. I've been there last summer and I fell in love with the country. I feel more at home over there with the true Irishs than living in America. America has been too much for me, with all the crap going on. I agree with Maga about the draining of 'democracy'. I've...
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    TV Captions

    I brought one of the 'Twilight Zone' volumes DVD, it came to a disappointment that those DVD series aren't closed captioned. What's up with old sci-fic shows on DVDs that aren't closed caption? I just wish that the 'Twlight Zone' DVDs are closed captioned. I was thinking that it might have to do...
  12. S

    Any Deaf bartenders out there???

    Hey, can you name the bars in the metro NYC area? Also since you're from Mass...are there any Deaf bartenders in either Boston and outskirt of Boston? I alway leave a tip out of respect. :-)
  13. S

    Any Deaf bartenders out there???

    Yeah, bartending does makes a lot of money. I'll do some surveys and ask around how it works for Deaf bartenders. I'll have to fight for an interpreter because it's part of EOE, right? (Equal Opportunity Employee) We all have the rights even though we can fight for an interpreter to simply open...
  14. S

    Any Deaf bartenders out there???

    Did you mean one of the gay bar down on Pike street on Capital Hill? Gosh, I miss the Broadway days heh. I'll have to ask around the gay crowds I know of, they sure do party alot. :dance: :dance: :dance:
  15. S

    Any Deaf bartenders out there???

    Hi, I've been checking out bartending schools and it cames to a wondering if there are any Deaf bartenders that you all know of. I'd like to know how it works for a Deaf bartender working at a bar or pub behind the wet bar with hearing customers. I'm deaf with limited skill of lipreading. How...
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    Meg's future home

    Hey - I live in Washington, let's switch, eh? I live in Sumner, the most famous small farm town for yellow tulips also for Western Washington State spring parade. I plan to move to Boston, Mass. :P
  17. S

    Sidekick 2 - FREE!, IS NOT IT???

    I've read the terms and conditons on that website and that gives me the doubt of the free sidekick. Here's the 'copy and paste' terms. is a website that tells its members how to qualify for free gifts from our partner sites. itself does not ship or give...
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    Community colleges in Massachusett

    Quite never heard of a Gally University Regional Center in the suburbs in Boston. What exactly is a Gally Regional Center? I'd like to know about that. Thanks for the head up.
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    I applied with the Soreson service. Finally, I just got a email from them that they'll be in touch with my local service...I hope I get mine soon since I found out that the company is out of stock right now. I think that my state is on low budget or something..eek. That's the common problem for...
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    If you had one week vacation where would you go?

    I'm gonna have to chose Orlando, Florida! I'm going over there in the summer anyway and hit the beaches ha. I rather to have my long ass drive worth my time lounging on a beach all day in Florida than going to So Cali...ahh too many people and Baywatch hotties aren't there anymore heh.