Search results

  1. pek1

    Sex Survey!

    There are quite a number of questions, 62 to be exact and they are quite explicit. Having a degree in Communication, I would have to urge caution to all ad'ers, as the purpose of the survey is vague and trite. Who actually gets that information and for what purpose? Remember, answering...
  2. pek1

    Cohabitation with a SO

    Do you intend on marrying her? If so, what makes you think that shacking up will help your marriage? If you shack up, are the two of you in separate bedrooms? If not, why not just get married and share the same bedroom and get it over with? Do a lot of research on what shacking up does...
  3. pek1

    Hard of Hearing Wedding

    :welcome: Having a severe, bilateral hearing loss myself, it would depend on where you are getting married. If it's in a church, synagogue or mosque that has a sound system and/or bad acoustics, arrange to have one of the monitors that the musicians use to be near him. Another idea is an fm...
  4. pek1

    What are your favorite animals/ and most feared ones

    Liked: White-tailed deer, Mule deer. Feared: Any snake.
  5. pek1

    Do you ever sleep with your HAs on (or off)

    I have to take my hearing aids out or I'll never get any sleep! :roll: If there's something that I have to be made aware of, Snickers (pictured below with me and Scorch) will wake me up. Besides, sleeping with a pistol under my pillow is NOT an option nor is calling 911 everytime something...
  6. pek1


    I have a hearing dog with me and when she doesn't alert me to a particular sound, I can pretty much find it myself. Not all the sounds are crucial to me, as my dog knows what I need help with. On the other hand, I had sinus surgery in 1994 and my sense of smell is impeccible! I can smell a...
  7. pek1

    Did you or do you...

    I had one professor at Minnesota State University Moorhead that wore hearing aids. His wife is an academic vice president and I was in her office one day discussing one class and graduation. After we got that settled, I brought up her husband and how I had his geo-science class a few years...
  8. pek1

    If, with your hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant(s)...

    :dizzy: Aw, gee whiz, man! Now after all these years of putting them on, I don't recall which I put on first! Now I'll never get to sleep tonight wondering about all this . . . :tears:
  9. pek1

    Never Good Enough

    Precisely, VamPyroX! When I misunderstand something, I do repeat it back and when corrected, I always apologize "I'm sorry" and go on my way. Unfortunately, it's the militant deaf people who INSIST on not letting things slide and they can catch it (understand it) later. If we're not...
  10. pek1

    Disgusting Coworkers

    "Professional" what's? :confused:
  11. pek1

    School Bullying, Once Silent Battle....Now a Crime

    Before I answer your question, if you don't mind, Buffalo, what's more important to you: his broken nose or you laying in a hospital bed? Send the jerk to the emergency room! I don't allow anyone to pick on me anymore, for any reason and I will defend myself and couldn't care less if I sent...
  12. pek1

    Micky Mayon, Most Wanted KKK Klan Fugitive Arrested in Israel

    A rebel without a cause. :roll:
  13. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Banjo, Afghanistan has ALWAYS been a problem!! They always have been a problem and they always WILL BE a problem! Lebanon is the same way and Pakistan wants the West Bank first, then all of Israel. Funny thing is, if you look into history dating back centuries and into B.C., they don't...
  14. pek1

    Do you believe in death penalty

    I don't recall if I've ever said how I believe about the death penalty. I know it does deter people from doing it . . . don't believe me, ask the person being executed if he/she can do it again and the consequences will be different. Once they're put to death, that's it. Crime by them has...
  15. pek1

    Sudan women 'lashed for trousers'

    We need to remember, Doug, that religions are made by men and women trying to impose THEIR agenda on others. For me, I prefer the Relationship . . . :) Huge, indescribable difference! Reba knows what I'm referring to.
  16. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Okay, I had to look twice at both comments and I see that we have a consensus!
  17. pek1

    Sudan women 'lashed for trousers'

    Well, I may get banned for a few days for making this comment, but here it goes. Why should a woman wear a burka over there? To begin with, the weather is so hot and am sure it's quite arid that it's next to impossible to move or do anything wearing that stupid thing. Pants are more...
  18. pek1

    Change in Federal Form Makes "Multiracial" Fastest Growing Group

    Well, I have a (white) cousin who's married to a Canadian Japanese woman and his (white) niece, my second cousin is married to a Mexican. I'm Scandinavian-American and my girlfriend is African-American and almost totally deaf. My cousin's other (white) niece has been married to an...
  19. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Didn't you read what I was laughing about? Just because I'm a writer doesn't mean that I don't or can't laugh. Obama wants to all of a sudden be fiscally conservative in spending money. Don't you see the irony of that?
  20. pek1

    NHS tells school children of their 'right' to 'an orgasm a day'

    I've heard it said that if a child is old enough to read, he or she is old enough to masturbate.