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  1. pek1

    I wonder what will happen to you if your money run out when you are over 80s?

    I do not believe that Social Security will be there when I'm old. SS was not designed for being the only income for seniors, just a supplement. So, I'm not worried about if there will be money because I will be working as long as I can physically and mentally handle it and do the job. Which...
  2. pek1

    What is your opinion on the drinking age in USA?

    Personally, I don't care what the drinking age is, just as long as if and when the person is arrested for drunken driving or hurting/killing someone while doing it steps up to the plate and says, "Yes, out of my stupidity and selfishness, I did this crime. I don't deserve a plea bargain. I am...
  3. pek1

    Philly Police Officer Accused of Running Background Check on Obama

    Philly Police Officer Accused of Running Background Check on Obama - Political News - Philadelphia police confirmed that they are investigating a 5-year veteran of the force accused of attempting to run a criminal background check on President Obama. Friday...
  4. pek1

    Palin says Obama would kill her child

  5. pek1

    Certification for Deaf/HOH service dog?

    I tremble as you speak! ;) You go girl!!! :thumb:
  6. pek1

    Sudan women 'lashed for trousers'

    Yeah, right, Doug. :roll: You don't lie and admit it and can't find anything else to quote to support your view than Christian Scripture.
  7. pek1

    Kids Found Alone In Filthy Home, Begged Neighbors For Food

    I concur. However, where is the father (s) of the children? Let's not leave him out and get his sorry butt in there to do his fair share. Has this woman ever considered birth control or having her tubes tied? She doesn't need any more children.
  8. pek1

    "Scorned" Women Seek Revenge on 3-Timer

    Although I don't condone what the guy did to the women, I think each of the women not only owe him an apology, but each, including the wife, should be sentenced as sex offenders and have to register as such. It wouldn't hurt to make him take classes by a competent therapist on how to love his...
  9. pek1

    Teenage driving and auto accidents at a glance

    I sometimes text while driving, but never in town. This past week, coming back to California from Missouri, I texted while on the open road and no other vehicles around me. Never at night, though.
  10. pek1

    Teenage driving and auto accidents at a glance

    Sunglasses - because he wanted to see my eyes moving at all times and not fall asleep. Hats - get in the way of the high back seat.
  11. pek1

    Universal Health Care

    . . . and who would know our health care better than the government, huh, Alex? A government that can't balance its own budget wants to step in and dictate my healthcare. :roll: When Hell freezes over, pal!
  12. pek1

    deaf block communication to hearing people?

    I was mainstreamed and learned how to write, as well as in college. My girlfriend writes like you do and when I tell her how bad it is, she laughs about it. Well, this fall, she's going back to college and hopefully she'll learn how to write. By the way, it has NOTHING to do with deaf vs...
  13. pek1

    To Obama's delight, Bono admits he sidestepped a hug from George Bush

    No, it's not a classy gesture. Bono is nothing but a clod. I suppose he bows to the queen of England, too, which I never would.
  14. pek1

    Can you hear Helicopter and plane with CI??

    I couldn't hear a whole lot before I got hearing aids when I was 11. My mother told me that the next day after getting them, I had said, "The Robins sure are singing this morning!" Even though I have a hearing dog, I can hear helicopters, airplanes, traffic and the birds singing.
  15. pek1

    My SUPER cool, blinged out, hearing aids!

    "Pimp My Hearing Aids." :cool2: I can just visualize that for a new A & E program! :thumb:
  16. pek1

    Apathy for Deaf Comm in Denver.. Disgusting and Unacceptable!!

    Let's play pretend for a moment, shall we? Pretend that all the police officers are deaf and only speak ASL. The judge and every person on the court payroll, including the janitors, are ASL. Pretend that the "telephone" doesn't hold a dial tone and only works on a tty and there are no...
  17. pek1

    Teen saves deaf parents in storm

    Let me see . . . :hmm: . . . deaf people don't want a hearing dog and would rather have electronics to alert them . . . :hmm: This time, they had their daughter in the house. What about next time? I'd rather rely on my dog (pictured below with me and Scorch) than electronics.
  18. pek1

    Prisoner Transport Bus Used for Cemetery Visitors

    Thank you, Mrs. Bucket! Knew you'd enjoy my insights and my censoring you. We shouldn't be inciting anyone here to cause them to get banned, you know the rules when you joined here, did you not? Thank you for your insightful comments. I'll be sure to file them in the circular on your way...
  19. pek1

    Take Your Dog to Work
