Search results

  1. pek1

    Truck Driving and the Deaf...

    deafannieboo, I've driven truck and am going back on the road shortly, not really by choice (thanks, Osama Barack, pres of USA), even with a college degree. You may have to obtain an SPE (Skills Performance Evaluation), which is what I have because of my left hand/arm. It's no big deal...
  2. pek1

    Truck Driving and the Deaf...

    Actually, it's worth about $250K USD and that's just getting started (I've priced them in the past).
  3. pek1

    Am I "Deaf" or "HOH"?

    Thanks, Skunker! Good luck with your therapy, too!
  4. pek1

    15-Year-Old Allegedly Raped, Then Forced to Confess to Church

    This is bad enough that if the pastor is worth his salt, he will inform his congregation and step down. His supporters and missionaries his church supports need to be told.
  5. pek1

    Am I "Deaf" or "HOH"?

    I once had a phone conversation with jillio here on ad and she said that I do. However, that was before I had some speech therapy, so all that "accent" is gone. I normally don't do this, but listen to my demo and hear how I talk. Pete Kleckner
  6. pek1

    Ask yourself

    I have no problems with looking at the guy in the mirror everyday! ;)
  7. pek1

    This is for the Vegans.. GM Soybeans found to cause some problems in hamsters

    That's nice to know that soy creates problems in hamsters. I'm human, so where's the connection? A human body and a hamster body are vastly different.
  8. pek1

    Am I "Deaf" or "HOH"?

    By the way, your hearing loss is just a little worse than mine. Nothing to be concerned about, but do have your hearing checked every year for a few years to keep tabs on it and make sure it's not deteriorating too quickly.
  9. pek1

    Am I "Deaf" or "HOH"?

    Skunker, The border is where you want it to be. Sorry for being vague, but as for hearing and talking on the phone, I do it, too. There are militant deaf people here that will tell you that if you don't sign, you're not deaf and they want no part of you (I've been told this). Other deaf...
  10. pek1

    Deaf or HOH

    With two hearing aids and accompanied by a hearing dog, I call myself what I want and it doesn't matter to me what other deaf people think.
  11. pek1

    Am I "Deaf" or "HOH"?

    Skunker, First of all, :welcome: to! Second, your audiogram can be whatever you want it to be. From the looks of it, you do have hearing loss. So, you can either call yourself hard-of-hearing (hoh) or deaf. That decision is up to you alone. Either way, it's okay. :)
  12. pek1

    Deaf Churches...where are they hiding?

    Two resources for you: Silent Word Ministries and on the left side where it says "search" put in churches; the second one is Church Directory. There are deaf churches listed, just look there. :)
  13. pek1

    Public Schools Face Massive Layoffs

    How is that $100 billion almost gone? We need to have documentation for this one, as I don't believe it. I think we're more concerned about paying the bureaucracy and its unions than we are to educate children. Enough is enough.
  14. pek1

    Very cold!!!!

    :bowlol::bowlol: I just looked and it's 9c degrees now. When it gets into the double digit negative numbers, then we'll discuss cold. :D
  15. pek1

    Did Debt Collection Calls Kill This Man?

    As a former employee of Green Tree Financial Services, which was purchased by Conseco Insurance and then renamed Conseco Finance, the company financed "toys" for consumers. Those would be defined as as: Motorcycles, atv's, motor homes, jet skis, musical instruments, boats, horse trailers...
  16. pek1

    Franken reads 4th Amendment

    I actually more surprised that Franken (stein) can actually read! :-o
  17. pek1

    Sobriety Test and Visual Impairment

  18. pek1

    The gift of you cherish it?

    I cherish my hearing and take offense if I have to be in a noisy place (including church) where the music is so loud that my arteries are thumping to the beat of the music. Granted, I could turn them off or take them out, but the music is still too loud.
  19. pek1

    I'm looking for townhouse this fall.

    I went back to look at the website and it's the cheapest rent over the others. Now, I think it may be a typo and no one has brought it to their attention. If that be the case, perhaps they're not aware of the price they listed. On the other hand, I noticed it's in North Carolina, which is...
  20. pek1

    50 wealthiest Congressmen

    It would be more interesting to find out how many of those millionaries are convicted felons. At least my home state, Minnesota, has no one on the list.