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  1. smileyface2788

    can someone help me?

    but i don't know the name of the sign. all i know is how to do it
  2. smileyface2788

    can someone help me?

    does anyone know? its been bugging me.
  3. smileyface2788

    can someone help me?

    okay, i have a problem with a sign... what does it mean when in signing you put ur right hand on top of the left hand in fists, and bring it to your chest?
  4. smileyface2788

    Hi all!!!!!!

  5. smileyface2788


    hey everyone! just wanted to start a new post to see how everyone is doing here on AllDeaf hope everything is going great. i have enjoyed being here on AD. everyone is very kind to eachother!!!
  6. smileyface2788

    favorite quote........

    whats ur favorite quote???
  7. smileyface2788

    hey everyone!

    hello thanks LM60CT for the compliment on my bf. nope, cant have him. LOL.. :) its great to know everyone is doing well!
  8. smileyface2788

    what should i do?

    Hey. This is Julia. I am here for anyone who wants/needs advice. Please e-mail me if u want/need any advice to Julia I will help the best that I can! Also, my site is
  9. smileyface2788

    newbie kind to me!

    hey welcome!
  10. smileyface2788


    Hey. This is Julia. I am here for anyone who wants/needs advice. Please e-mail me if u want/need any advice to Julia I will help the best that I can! Also, my site is
  11. smileyface2788

    Ohio man charged with exposing his breasts

    that is funny story!
  12. smileyface2788

    Russian astrologer sues NASA over comet experiment

    thats russian... :) i hate the russian government...
  13. smileyface2788

    New here--

  14. smileyface2788

    hey everyone!

    my signing skills are great. i learn with my boyfriend, books, and this software called asl deluxe
  15. smileyface2788

    hey everyone!

    i am great.:)
  16. smileyface2788

    hey everyone!

    so, how is everyone doing?
  17. smileyface2788

    what do you like most.........

    about this site? i think its how there are many different stories, and a friendly enviroment!
  18. smileyface2788

    hello everyone.........

    thanks! i will. so, how is everyone doing here?
  19. smileyface2788

    Pics of my beautiful boys!!!

    very beautiful!!! tell them i said hello from julia!! LOL