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  1. Serendipity

    "Oh, you speak so well!" and other annoying comments

    Here's another one. for instance, I just told that person that I couldn't hear hence the term deaf. He or she went like, oh? You can't drive, right? Then I went like, oh like this *takes my drivers license out of my wallet* and how is that for an answer?
  2. Serendipity

    Usher's Syndrome

    I have it although it is very less serious. I still can drive and can see at night as long as there are almost NO pitch black areas. I was diagnosed with US 15 years ago and so far it did not gone downhill from this point so I guess it is a very slow process.
  3. Serendipity

    "Oh, you speak so well!" and other annoying comments

    I get this comment sometimes from hearing people who were pitiful enough to say, "I'm sorry you can't hear everything. How do you feel about that and how can you manage it?" Well, duh... I'm already accustomed to it since I was born and there was no loss, really.
  4. Serendipity

    whooo 300 posts!

    Maybe that means you have no life besides sitting on the front of the computer. :cool: Now, I'm kidding. ;)
  5. Serendipity


    You are doing OK, hopefully, as long as you don't go out and commit crimes while low on sugar! ;)
  6. Serendipity

    ASD Student arrested for assault

  7. Serendipity

    Do you have hard times at work just because you're deaf?

    Yep, pretty much. They just won't admit that they don't know how to handle the deaf people. You did the right move, without doubt :afro: Not always, it can get quiet at times. If they can, then I don't see why we can't. It is the matter of our own rights. Precisely.
  8. Serendipity

    Kids and video games

    I played RPG shooting games when I was barely 3rd grade, playing Wolfenstein and DOOM. It was over 10 years ago. Does that made me bad? No. It really depends on every kids & their morals.
  9. Serendipity

    Question about Interior Design

    Sorry I'm not studying ID, but I think it'd be awesome. You can go out and represent for the deaf people and its community. You can show them that deaf people have their own creativity. Maybe you could do the interior design for the deaf clients ;)
  10. Serendipity

    Student murdered, burned on patio grill

    Electric chair is STILL an option for SOME states and Texas is one of those states.
  11. Serendipity

    New here with questions!

    Again don't worry about it, too. You're not a little boy lol, but you may have some restrictions, ya know? You are allowed to go and live wherever you want to. You have your own rights.
  12. Serendipity

    Photocopiers are new ID theft threat

    I second that :cool:
  13. Serendipity

    New here with questions!

    Welcome aboard! :waves: Wish I could be of help with Nevada but I don't know one bit about it.
  14. Serendipity

    Good bye

    I'm sorry to read that but I fully support your decision when you don't feel comfortable about this situation. I wish you the best of luck after alldeaf! :sadwave:
  15. Serendipity

    Anna Nicole Smith

    There you go! I always knew it has to do with drug overdose.
  16. Serendipity

    Who is your Hero ?

    Why? Of course, my mom. And my late friend. Long live the Sick the Duck joke!
  17. Serendipity

    Is that you on the pizza box?

    Pizza boxes carry deadbeat mug shots - Yahoo! News In that case, you'd better pay the child support before your face will be on the pizza box!
  18. Serendipity

    Student murdered, burned on patio grill

    I know, I was just feeling that way.
  19. Serendipity

    Forest Grump Gets A Sequel
