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  1. DoDaDew me.

    LOL....That is a good one! Bit insulting but still a darn good one! Now back to the OP's topic......Paging Babyblue......
  2. DoDaDew

    my first blackout. scary

    What the cops did to you was necessary and for your own safety. Your condition at that time did not warrant a trip to the hospital. I hope this was a lesson learned that next time you do not too much and too quickly.
  3. DoDaDew

    College Advice

    Be familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (especially Title II - State or Title III - Public, depending which college you go to) and Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 (usually applies to all higher education that receives federal funding - federally backed student loans are considered...
  4. DoDaDew

    AD Speed Dating

    So ladies....what is the going rate for a private topless lap dance? :naughty: Jess, I welcome a complimentary nut kick only if you want a broken foot. :laugh2:
  5. DoDaDew

    Picture of Your Significant Other

    My beautiful sexy significant other: Our children: :giggle:
  6. DoDaDew

    Court and Interpreters

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not require "certified" interpreter but requires "qualified" interpreter. The U.S. Department of Justice defines “qualified interpreter” to mean a person who is able to convey communications effectively, accurately and impartially, and use any...
  7. DoDaDew

    Post your High School Senior picture.

    Gosh, Babyblue......You really have not changed much since high school when I last saw you. Yeah, we lost contact! :wave:
  8. DoDaDew

    Serious Responses Only Please!! Having Sex

    As a male, I prefer quality over quantity. Prefers lovemaking to be breathtaking, earth-shattering and mind-blowing that both cannot wait for next session (whatever the number is).
  9. DoDaDew

    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    Shastar... There is nothing wrong with your DVDs. Your television is set up right. As you just found out, HDMI is the culprit. It is a well known issue of HDMI interferring with closed captioning. The industry knew about it so did FCC but nothing has been done to address it. I am hoping...
  10. DoDaDew

    Are you man enough to date tall women?

    Yes..... Only if she plays basketball, tells me the weather daily and lets me to climb her to kiss her. :laugh2:
  11. DoDaDew

    Single but NOT Looking

    Oh we are not that bad....we are nothing compared to women! *ducking* :giggle: