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  1. P

    Did someone forget

    Happppyyyyy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful one! *hugs*
  2. P

    Would you go back and change?

    Honestly? I would go back and change it, yeah. I don't know how I could but ya know. How do you beat genetics? I know what I'm missing.. late night phone calls while laying in the dark on the floor, listening to the teacher without looking at them, birds, the doorbell, friend's voices and...
  3. P

    Married or dating or what?

    .. I've got my megladon.. a year and a half and goooooooooooing :P
  4. P

    Which word you prefer to use?

    I didnt feel like reading all 3 pages.. So if someone has said what I said, kudos! :) I chose deaf because I dont like it when people say "hearing-impaired" - I feel like I'm broke. I don't like hard-of-hearing because it puts people under the assumption that I am only partially deaf, and...
  5. P

    Guess the -Google- game

    I got 277. I only missed 3! Man that was weird :P 2nd chance, 312! weee!! :P
  6. P

    What Internet Speed are You?

    cable.. i could never go back to dial up...
  7. P

    What kind of pager do you have?

    Im with you! :) I got mine from my interp for $50 when she upgraded to a sk2. :)
  8. P

    Who's Hearing? Who's deaf?

    :deaf: , yeah baby!
  9. P

    What do you see out of your window?

    I see green grass, sprouting trees and more rain! :) Cars driving by on the busy street to the west of me..
  10. P

    my girl's missing...

    According to steel's profile he's 20. (with a birthday in Oct) I hope that she turns up soon. and when she does, you guys do an intervention so she can get better!
  11. P

    Wanna play Postitive game about ad members?

    I think FlyFree is one of the nicest people I know. I've enjoyed knowing her for all this time (7 years!!) Deafscuba has the cutest son EVER! I think he's a wonderful father, doing whats best for his son and their relationship.
  12. P

    Spill something completely random about yourself...

    I have 4 sets of grandparents.. My birth mom is only 41 and my dad is 44. (i'm 21 and my sister is 22, but we have birthday's this year, and my parents' already had theirs. Just in case you wanna do the math.) I only have 4 first cousins by blood. (My dad's bro has 2 kids, and my mom's...
  13. P

    Arrangment Marriage or Love Marriage?

    True! It also depends on the culture too. I would rather marry by love, since that is what I was raised to believe is right. Other cultures marry people because thats what was arranged for them. It's not so much wrong, but their way of life.
  14. P

    Deaf has done with a crime before but have deaf done this one?

    WTF! I cant edit my own post. Musta waited too long.. Anyways I was talking to my Uncle Joey about Derek. He says that Derek has been in prison since 2000, (5 years now) and will be getting out in August. He's getting out when they said he would, no early release, no probation. The lack of...
  15. P

    Where the hell is BBNT?

    I voted jail.. because you know thats what he always says.. but I think he's with oddball ;)
  16. P

    Deaf has done with a crime before but have deaf done this one?

    *falls off my chair laughing* Sorry. My Uncle Derek (my father's half brother) is hard-of-hearing, more hearing than deaf last time I saw him. It could have changed, but nonetheless he is deaf to some degree. He was accused of robbing 3 banks. They called him the "pizza box robber" since...
  17. P

    Happy Birthday alldeaf!

    WOW :) Happy Birthday AllDeaf! :P
  18. P

    Make Polygamous Legal!!!

    Well. I wasnt confused. I honestly knew that what he was practing is wrong. But unlike my sister, I can reject someone else's beliefs, without rejecting the person. My dad also had a baby with his girlfriend last December so I also have a little brother (I posted a thread about it before.) I was...
  19. P

    What did you do today?

    So far today I have played online cause I woke up at 8:30 while my bf was still sleeping. About 20 minutes ago I made scrambled eggs and sausage links for him and he woke up just as I was done. :P We're supposed to go to JC Penney's and then to his parents, and finally to the deaf club to...
  20. P

    Hey AD

    I have a VP but its not currently set up. I had some issues with my new computer and needed a new cable so I stole the VP cable for now. I do have another cable to swap with, but the D-link I have interfers with my original router, which is.. blah blah blah *insert technical jargon here* :)