My middlest and my youngest DM...
Yea Canada is just as bad. I am also thinking about going on the School Counsel. I want something done about this, it's not fair just because the girls are a minority they have rights too. Rights to have the best education and most awesome support available.
I was mainstreamed in grade 6. I hated it, I missed my Deaf friends who were family to me. The teachers were qualified to work with me. I felt they understood my frustrations, and allowed me the time I needed to contiune to understand ongoing subjects at school. As I contiuned on to Highschool...
I see it being previewed.
But it doesn't show up.
What is going on?
I have it on my hard drive. And then it says add on
your signature. So did that - it comes out in a S something code.
I did it once.
I preview it, and nothing shows on my post?
GRRRR! NEVERMIND I am such a dork...
Google Image Result for
This is the one my middlest uses at the regular school. It's pretty cool. Teacher has a mic headset and my daughter has boots to fit on her hearing aids. It's wireless as well.
What is an FM Listening System?
FM Listening Systems let teachers talk into a hand-held microphone, which transmits the sound of the teacher's voice directly to a deaf or hard of hearing child's hearing aid. This transmission happens on reserved radio spectrum 216-217 MHz. Many retailers of...
I described it up above LOL...FM system at home.
I hated it when I was in school too.
It was all wires, big and a hunk of plastic!
But you got to listen in on some pretty private conversations
between the teachers ROLF.
The desktop thing is cool. You can download it right to your PC.
It gives you all the updates for weather, warnings, etc.
No spyware at all.
Now I don't have to click on the website, I have it right on my toolbar.
No its a system where I get a mic, and then it goes right into their hearing aids. So I don't have to raise my voice. The TV is blarring most of the time around here because they need it loud to hear it. So now the FM system can transmit the sound right into their hearing aids (no other sounds...
That certain people embrace ASL but not the Deaf Culture.
When people tell me that now that she has hearing aids on (my daughters) they are "hearing children." "HELLO, SHE ISN'T HEARING SHE IS DEAF!!) After that if she WAS HEARING she wouldn't need HEARING AIDS now would she?
I don't mean...
This other site I belong to.
This woman had the decency to ask me how I am going to pay for
the FM system...
(I said we have options) I didn't think it was really any of her business.
Some people... :eek3: