^Angel^, I got your Christmas card today. The picture of that girl on the front of the card looks exactly like my daughter! It was sweet of you sending me a card. Thank you!!!!!! :)
It will be different this year because my husband and I lost our fathers within 3 months. Of course, it will be a sad time for us especially our daughter who dont have grandfathers to look up to and play with. We will try to have a good Christmas.
Aw, what a beautiful family you have! I havent seen a pic of you for 5 years in DeafChat. You look so good. By the way, congratulations for getting a house in Maine.
Oh my! I cant believe what your children did. You need to punish them by taking their privileges away from them such as they cant play games on ps2 or gamecube. So they will get bored and they will realize what they did was wrong. Make them to help you and your husband out such as cleaning the...
Why dont we post the recipes here? I think it will be fun doing that. We would like to try out your recipes. What do you think?
I love peanut butter balls with chocolate covered. Yummy. I also love fudges. Ohh.