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  1. SherryCherish

    To Pregger experts...

    well, its depends, u better go to see dr, sometime they give u antibotic which i had it when i had ear infection while i was preggy. So, sometime Tylenol is only for the pain, but not sure about cold. so, i think its safe side for you go to see dr, which i took a special cold / congestion...
  2. SherryCherish

    Im ready

    i guess u already know what do with ur future in ur life, if u w/ her, what it gonna be happen if in 5 years later. But, glad you got this planned out and get out of this knife stab in the heart. I know its hard but u know its going to be ok afterward.
  3. SherryCherish

    questions about kids behavor.

    also i forgot additon, also she is always last person to eat since she is busy to look at people but she have bad dental.. She always hurry when saw us waiting for her. We don't want sitting there forever if she not done to eat. Mostly of time she feel full, and we said fine, don't ask me if...
  4. SherryCherish

    questions about kids behavor.

    well i have same similar as you, i am embrassed since, stepdaughter which is 5 yr old is not behave well in restanrest but at home is fine. she refuse to sit settle down, and move around too much, almost fell with chair, and stare at people all the time, and we kept punish her, it seem not...
  5. SherryCherish

    Eye Contacts/Eye Contacts w/color lens

    i do wear eye contacts, mosly in summer, since i can't stand the bright of sun. to wear sunglasses. i do love them, they make me feel like i never wear glasses, and, never complain til about 5th time i got different eye contacts, they make me dries, and went to that place, and they got...
  6. SherryCherish

    New Hair!!!

    colors? geez, ur brave to courage of do that. LOL not for me! as long ur happy w/ it then stick w/ it!
  7. SherryCherish

    Back Again....for the 139th Time

    hey good to see u, cute fella! AJ lol.. How's ur life treat ya? Seem u got life busy to get going.
  8. SherryCherish

    Memory of my Late Father: Today

    Sorry to hear about ur father, peace in rest, hes in a good hand.
  9. SherryCherish

    soothe sore throats....

    glad u got the antibotic, it helps too. Hope u get well sooner.
  10. SherryCherish

    I have long day of lousy! eh!

    sorry to hear about ur friend passed away, and, ur sister, well she seem so happy about it, so i think she want u to be happy for her since that what she wants in her life. Since she knew she have alots battle of this crisis with along baby. So, she need ur support. I know u are...
  11. SherryCherish

    I am so MAD at Punkywolfy for LIE!

    happy Birthday!!! time for u to spank Tweety's and let all feather felling down haha
  12. SherryCherish

    Where in the world do they comes from?

    ah, reason i say that cuz, i always seen india worker every dountnuts, that why i first thought was. LOL
  13. SherryCherish

    Where in the world do they comes from?

    mm i think India
  14. SherryCherish

    My Pictures :)

    Hi BabyAngel!, you look so gengerous!
  15. SherryCherish

    Sad Annoucement to say...

    Good to see you here, NS, been awhile! I'm so sorry about ur father, i'm sure ur go through alots. Pray for you and the family!
  16. SherryCherish

    I'm Shocked That Girl Age Was 4 To 11 Age She Did Artist So Beautiful Wow!

    whoa, she surely got a gift from god of that impressive/passion talent she have.
  17. SherryCherish

    Just one more...

    wow very creative artist photography, you look good each other.
  18. SherryCherish

    What's your best memory of year 2006?

    whats the best about 2006 that i had. my daughter born on Feb 10th My bf adopted my son on May 29th our camping, trip of vacation was greatest we ever had in our closure family. throw a surprise party for my bf , it was a good party. ALSO, got TREO, it was a great pager i have LOL.
  19. SherryCherish

    Hubby and I

    wow beautiful, love that hair style of yours.
  20. SherryCherish

    A birthday wish to my very best friend, GalaxyAngel!

    Happy Birthday, Galaxy! hope u have a great one.