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  1. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    thanks everyone.. yeah anything for my kids.
  2. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    Hi, thought to share my creative. A candy wrapper which i use mini hersey candies, to wrap for my daughter "Tinkerbell" Chantel 's first birthday party, which i did same with my son with his first birthday. the pictures will show u clearly what i meant. here.. top of hersey...
  3. SherryCherish

    all set.... to.... go...

    hehe.. yeah i was kidding.. yeah take time to heal ur ear.
  4. SherryCherish

    all set.... to.... go...

    damn OldNavy is so DRUGGIE! lol. glad ur go through well.
  5. SherryCherish


    wow good creative and talent here. I love that last pix.. its good for my background, don't u mind if i steal it? lol well, wow a good job. Wish i have that much courage to do it. I know its quite of pratice til getting there.
  6. SherryCherish

    My family pic

    beautiful family u have!
  7. SherryCherish


    She want u to have life to go on and shes prepare things so to help you all to know that she always been there. I have same grandma as she been done to me, its very hard, but i realized, my life isn't end.
  8. SherryCherish

    Sad announcement to say Part 2

    Wow, Beginning 2007 surely rough on u, i'm deeply sympathy for u with this path, i'm sure they want u to be strong and stay togther as family. I hopefully afterward, would be a great year for u.
  9. SherryCherish

    Sad - Grandma

    i'm so sorry to hear, i'm sure grandma are glad to have people around her. And she will be in good hand. Prayer for you and the familyl.
  10. SherryCherish

    my wedding pictures..

  11. SherryCherish

    Update & Part 2 Orchid Blossoms and Puppies :)

    i love orchard, they so passion, cute puppies!
  12. SherryCherish

    House on Pending!!

    hope u will get this house, and go along a right plan for ur life. Good luck
  13. SherryCherish

    My new car!!!

    its nice suv, i'm happy for you..
  14. SherryCherish

    Baby born with brain outside skull

    hope that baby is going be a mircale to live. its so sad to see it, and been hard on parents too. it make me so sad!