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  1. J

    How are you feeling today?....

    Very tough place to be in. Write out pros and cons?
  2. J

    World Cup...Are you watching?

    Glad im not a Brazilian right now.
  3. J

    13 Tombstones With A Lively Sense of Humor

    Lol at some of them.
  4. J

    Tennessee couple divorce to afford health insurance

    I know a couple with children that purposely did not get married. The guy works 2 full time job while the lady takes in ssdi for herself and the kids with medicaid.
  5. J

    Drug testing delayed for Mississippi welfare recipients

    They only tested 4k people Im sure there is alot more welfare recipients than that. Which area of Florida ? It doesnt seem right. If they tested 100k and only 2k had drug issue then ill believe it. The stats are just too small for me to be comfortable with the fact that 2% tested positive...
  6. J

    New currency law went into effect july 1, 2014

    Ah. This is hurting Americans overseas. Banks are refusing to do businesses with Americans now.
  7. J

    What's your favorite fantasy race?

    Yup. I perfer natural looking wolf not like were standing on its legs like lycans in underworld movie.
  8. J

    Drug/Alcohol Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

    Again one forgets the drugs and alcohol eats away the brain and/or destroys the self regulation part of reasoning and logic. Theyre not the same person before its still the same thing as an cancer eating away the lung or the colon. The brain is still the organ being harmed. Its same as cirrhosis...
  9. J

    Drug/Alcohol Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

    Why do people assume all addicts steal have sex for money or is violent? As I said earlier some make bad choices and not others. I work with some addicts and will tell you the money comes from enabling family members or their savings Before hitting rock bottom . Some respond to the same...
  10. J

    Drug/Alcohol Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

    So one cant call lung cancer a disease because the smoker made a choice to smoke? Its a behavior, people eat processed food knowing it might be a cause of colon cancer. We cant call colon cancer a disease because the person knew the chances of cancer would be there? Thats what your saying.
  11. J

    Sense of smell

    My sense of smell is okay/norm. The only time I feel weird is when I can smell women when theyre on their period sometimes I can smell it. I asked one before she was embarrased so I never mention it again. I dont smell it on all women im around just certain few. Idk if its a norm thing or not.
  12. J

    What's your favorite fantasy race?

    Lol okay. Shapeshifter is it then. :ty:
  13. J

    Drug/Alcohol Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

    Cancers are caused by chemicals exposed to the body. So is a bite transmitted by a mosquito causing malaria. Its all chemical reaction happening in the body Its a natural reaction at the end of the day it is still a chemical reaction. No matter how it was introduced though. Agreed about...
  14. J

    Drug/Alcohol Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

    Used to think addicts were being sissies With bad choices 100 percent. Atfer few years in mental health field ill say its disease that affects thought process just like people with mental illness. I still have some feelings of prejudice of them being sissies with certain clients 95 percent...
  15. J

    Read same book together or different book?

    Never thought about it, reading books isn't my favorite thing to do.
  16. J

    How are you feeling today?....

    Thats why I hate blinds. Curtains are easier to clean as well. Good luck. My ER bill for few hour stay was 10k n insurance paid for it .
  17. J

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    I know someone that got shingles at 25. His immune system is comprised though. 2 of my coworkers caught shingles at the same time a client had one in his 50s. Both coworkers were in their 40s.
  18. J

    Happy 4th of July....

    Cool day. Not hot. Parade and fireworks was awesome.