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  1. Nic

    Age Gap Relationship

    2 things, super models are done up with crazy makeup and photoshop magic, and the average age of a super model is not 13-16, it's something like 16-21. Most agencies require 16 min. You can't compare overly makeup laden, photoshopped, posed, and primped super models to average 18 year olds. On...
  2. Nic

    Age Gap Relationship

    13 year olds do not look like 18 year olds. Granted some 18 year olds look a lot younger and some 13 year olds look a bit older, but on average 13 year olds look like little kids, and 18 year olds look like young adults. Biologically, males are wired to find youth attractive. It hearkens back...
  3. Nic

    Will TV become absolute someday?

    Currently, you'd still have to lie in the MRI (personally, I like it, it's relaxing). The glasses can be used to view the scan in 3d though and zoom and tilt and what not better than a 2d screen. They don't yet let us look inside people without something like an MRI too :) That'd be a little...
  4. Nic

    Age Gap Relationship

    Well that'd imply that 18 year olds aren't capable of making rational decisions on their own yet, so we should up the voting age in that case too, ya?
  5. Nic

    Age Gap Relationship

    Marriage is legal as soon as you hit 18 in the US, even though the drinking age is 21. And isn't the drinking age in the UK 18? Why does it matter what the drinking age is in the country? it's different everywhere... Plus, Gerald asked about a relationship age gap, not necessarily marriage.
  6. Nic

    Age Gap Relationship

    It's pretty clear that some people are ok with a significant age gap, and others aren't. To Gerald, if you were inquiring to sample the reaction, this is probably what you can expect from friends, family, and strangers. Some people will be ok with a significant age gap and others will respond...
  7. Nic

    Will TV become absolute someday?

    There was also that time Data overrode the safety protocols and created the Sherlock Holmes holo-program where Moriarty almost killed everyone and destroyed the enterprise... Could definitely be dangerous.
  8. Nic

    Will TV become absolute someday?

    That's almost already here! And then for more immersion, full VR... Think about having VR goggles on for a plane ride, simulate a iMax theater in your plane seat... *drools*...
  9. Nic

    Windows 10 Upgrade free

    I think it's silly because it's only perceived privacy and not real. In reality, if someone wants to find out about us, they'll be able to do it, it only takes time. Maybe silly because it's silly to worry about things you really can't control. If we all got over ourselves and the taboos around...
  10. Nic

    Windows 10 Upgrade free

    Psh, use the internet at all and your info is out there. Don't use the internet, and your info is still out there because you do business with companies who use the internet. Live within the first world at all and your info is out there unless you're some kind of backwoods hermit. Basically...
  11. Nic

    Will TV become absolute someday?

    TV as we know it will become obsolete well before 2265. We'll be consuming TV in a much different way soon (we already are really). TV in general, the act of watching fiction, news, shows, movies, etc.... That'll take significantly longer if it ever truly goes away completely... On Star Trek...
  12. Nic

    Age Gap Relationship

    60 and 32 can be a lot closer in "age" than 18 and 34 though. My wife and I are 8 years apart ourselves, and it's never been an issue. Emotionally and stability-wise we feel more or less on the same level, which is the important part. When we got together we were in similar positions in life...
  13. Nic

    Random pictures

    Awesome shot of the moon!
  14. Nic

    Random pictures

    WA state is full of pretty hikes. We've done a dozen or so and I'm still blown away by the views. This was one of the better ones too. It was even raining the day we went but it cleared up enough for some good photos.
  15. Nic

    "S" on license in Texas (Austin)

    It's definitely not size but government structure that determines how licenses are issued. In the US, states retain a lot of legal power to be different from the Federal government. Stuff like drinking age, drug laws, licenses, taxation, business laws, marriage, etc. etc.
  16. Nic

    Driver changes tire in middle of I-95

    Getting hit by a train takes a special kind of stupid or maybe really really bad luck. I mean the thing is on rails, you know where it's going and you know it's not going to stop for you. p.s. no offense to anyone who has been hit by a train.
  17. Nic

    Random pictures

    I'll contribute. I'm in one of these but the view is the better part. My wife took these on a hike we did a few weeks ago. It's Lake 22 in the North Cascades in WA.
  18. Nic

    Driver changes tire in middle of I-95

    I would think trying to cross an interstate would be harder than most people think. It'd be so easy to underestimate how fast 65-80mph really is and how quickly those seemingly far away cars will be on top of you.
  19. Nic

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Well, sticking it out at Gally might be the better option, honestly. Even if the program isn't that great, you can supplement your learning with online resources and personal projects. Then just get the degree to have the degree and meet that requirement for job applications. It's still fairly...
  20. Nic

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    A Deaf business or any business that has a large number of Deaf employees would be easier for both the Deaf and hearing members of that business. When it's just one or maybe two Deaf/HOH people, the balance is so swayed that for the company it's easier to treat the Deaf/HOH person differently...