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    hypertension/high blood pressure

    Does anybody here know much about this? A few years ago I was diagnosed with early onset hypertension and last year I was able to come off medication as my bp was normal(i took myself off them as I was having nausea issues), three months ago I went back and had a BP check, he said my bp was high...
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    7 years ago

    I joined AD, I cannot believe it was so long ago!! I "met" some great friends on here! I was only 17 and surprised people actually replied to my comments!
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    Easter plans?

    No plans apart from going to the cinema, just a normal weekend
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    Scared, lost and full of questions

    Welcome to AD!
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    British Sign Language (BSL)

    Welcome!! :)
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    Hii :) Wanting to learn more (Hearing Girl-Level 3 BSL)

    Hello, welcome to AD, hope you find what you need! I did my level 1 at 15 and never started level 2, i am considering taking it though!
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    Hello! I am from Britain also! :) but further north
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    Hello from England!

    Hello HOHchick, I am from the UK too! Welcome! Feel free to inbox me!
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    Anyone watch Dr. Who?

    I love Dr Who
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    Deaf/HOH parents (ASL user) of hearing kids (CODA)

    I know a CODA(my godson) and he is fluent in BSL and he is not behind in speech as he has hearing family
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    Cochlear Loses $131.2 Million Verdict in Hearing-Implant Lawsuit

    This is interesting but personally I think Cochlear doesnt have any ideas on how to make their processors better.... if I was going for implant currently I would choose AB.
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    Might be looking into getting CI

    It is up to you! I believe it is a personal decision. When we went for the CI for me, I was 10 years old and I wanted one because all my friends had one. Crazy but the truth. It was the best thing for me at the time, because back then and still now my family don't sign. I only wear my CI for...
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    How it feels like to have CI?

    I have had my left ear CI for 13 years now, and it works quite well for me. I don't wear it as much anymore. I prefer just wearing my HA on my right ear. I wear my CI for work so I can get as much hearing as I can out of it.
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    Music Class: Did You Take In School?

    We was required to go to Music class but whenever any listening was involved or actual music we got pulled out. I actually got a B in music....
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    do you know what caused you to not hear?

    prematurity/ototoxic meds/ recessive deafness gene
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    For those in the UK

    How often do you get your hearing checked?
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    Name sign?

    I never got a sign name...I'm 23
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    Cochlear Freedom to N5, personal experiences?

    I got the N5 back in September and ever since there has been no change in my sound/hearing ability
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    125htz and Audiograms.

    I respond apparently at 65db at 125hz but no idea how cos I cannot hear a thing unaided