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  1. L

    Been referred for a cochlear implant

    Wow!! I have had my CI for 14 years and I get 52%, they havent changed hardly at all since 2 years post op! Anything is better than 0% I guess.
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    What did you get on Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

    Absolutely NOTHING! There isn't anything I really need
  3. L

    Newly deaf and need help!

    welcome!! I am from England, but not London! Hope you find what support you need on here. when you have enough posts feel free to inbox me?
  4. L

    How are you feeling today?....

    LOL I have NOTHING to do. all my friends work and I have no money
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    How are you feeling today?....

    feeling...erm....annoyed. but that's okay. I am still unemployed so need to find something to fill my time in between looking for jobs
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    It has been a while.....

    welcome backkk!! :) What made you come back?
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    How long did you..

    My cochlear implant incision was only painful for about five days after surgery then was back to normal...but I was a ten year old kid! Children heal faster..
  8. L

    Been referred for a cochlear implant

    I am also from the UK! You can have one CI, I am 24 also :) You have to have a speech discrimination score of 50% or less, but the CI team will do a bunch of testing to make sure you are a suitable candiate if that is what you want
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    Why are you deaf?

    I'm the same as you. I have noticed other people who were deafened as babies from medication normally have a mild to moderate loss.. At 9 months I was diagnosed as severe-profound
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    Mainstreamed full time 2001-2006 in high school.... it was okay but I did have a Communication Support Worker so really learning came from them in the class rather than the teacher. We just stayed in our little group... Was mainstreamed in all classes except PE which included...
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    Need your opinions ci user

    I know sometimes CI surgery can cause balance issues to worsen. That is why, if you get given a 2nd CI here you HAVE to go through balance idea why they don't do it for the first one.
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    Intro with questions about choosing a CI...

    My parents chose Cochlear for me as it was the only option from my CI centre 13 years ago. But for reasons, if I got implanted today I'd choose AB
  13. L

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome to AD! my name is Melissa too! I have a profound sensorineural hearing loss, no tinnitus though! Diagnosed at 9 months of age and got my first HA's(bodyworn) at 14 months!
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    How did you Sleep last night?

    So and so! For the past week or so I haven't been sleeping till 3/4am then waking about 10-10.30! I think I may start setting my alarm for 7am and getting up
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    When you were a kid....

    I wanted to be an author, a vet, or a nurse... I am a childcare worker hoping to change careers but no idea what to
  16. L

    Mainstream education question

    Well I was only in the HIU for 2 hours a week, working on vocab, using the time to work on coursework or mainly word games(bit like countdown) But the CSW's from the HIU helped a LOT, full sign language support was written into my IEP even though I was oral!
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    Mainstream education question

    Just wanted to share my experiences. I attended a school for the deaf from 3-11 years old(I live in England), and I was placed in oral classes. By 8 I had a reading age of a 10 year old, anyway I was BORED during English classes so I started mainstreaming at the school a 2 min walk away for...
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    hypertension/high blood pressure

    Would you consider a bp of 140/105 white coat syndrome? Anyway, my bp has been normal most time I went to the doctor after I was taken off bp meds and now for the past three months it's been high. I want 24 hour bp monitoring as it would truely reflect my correct bp but patients here are not...
  19. L

    How often do you all get your hearing tested?

    Hearing tests and new HA's are free here on the NHS, we pay taxes instead anyway thanks for sharing your experiences