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  1. FadedRose

    Hearing Aid Art - What do you think?

    Here's mine-Music is the most important. I play piano, synth-in general I compose and sing. This picture is in itself a contradiction. The two should not go together, but they do in this instance. I feel like an artist God played a cruel joke on. Given the gift of music... you get the idea. I...
  2. FadedRose

    Fake deaf

    Haha! Do you know how often that happens? too many! :laugh2:
  3. FadedRose

    How are you feeling today?....

    sleepy and cranky...
  4. FadedRose

    Petition: Stop killing Deaf dogs

    It seems my post conveyed the wrong tone. Of course I feel that hearing dogs deserve just as much attention as a Deaf dog. I've always wanted a Deaf dog because I am Deaf myself, that's all. :)
  5. FadedRose

    don't know what to do

    You need to see an ENT first and foremost and then go from there.
  6. FadedRose

    Can you forgive cheating?

  7. FadedRose

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Home improvement projects I've put on the back burner... I'm pulling up carpet this weekend to put new ones down just cannot figure out what color I want yet!
  8. FadedRose

    Any One Here Suffer From A Mental Disorder?

    Post deleted.
  9. FadedRose

    Any One Here Suffer From A Mental Disorder?

    Same here-I write's a great form of therapy.
  10. FadedRose

    Any One Here Suffer From A Mental Disorder?

    I have PTSD stemming from being stalked & raped when I was 16 years old by a boyfriend. He raped me and then stalked me afterwards when I broke up with him. Thanks for making the thread OP-I saw that someone else had posted they had PTSD too. Glad I'm not alone.
  11. FadedRose

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    I agree. I wish the parents of Deaf children would stop and think of the ramifications of what they are choosing for their child. Some do make it through unscathed but the majority I've met on here haven't. If there are any parents here reading this do you want your child to be 30 years old...
  12. FadedRose

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    Did mainstreaming ruin my life? Yes. I am but a shell of the person I used to be before being mainstreamed in middle and high school. In fact I don't even remember who that girl used to be. As a result of my experience(s) the bullying, the harrassment, the condescending nature of how I was...
  13. FadedRose

    Deafness in fiction?

    I wish more deaf characters were portrayed as leaders or role-models. Like a story about an employee with a deaf boss, or a story about a deaf mayor, deaf governor, deaf surgeon, deaf superhero, deaf fencer, deaf soccer captain, deaf genius.... etc. I agree.
  14. FadedRose

    Attempts to cure deafness?

    As someone who is in the lightworker community ( google lightworker ) I've been told that when the ascension takes place my hearing will be restored and to prepare for my DNA to be activated....(can you say nutcase?) right...
  15. FadedRose

    Can you tell me about oral successes?

    Well, RandomHearie-you seem rather "sensitive"...hence the I'm not sorry if I offended you comment. :P I did read the above posts you made... I find your nervousness as it comes across the screen endearing. I picture a grown man wincing in pain with every word he reads. :laugh2: Stick...
  16. FadedRose

    **MENSA** May the luck be with you?

    oh, really? You just got a response from one and it'll be the last one from ME.:bye:
  17. FadedRose

    Deafs be allowed to marry?

    yeah...lets hope so. :giggle:
  18. FadedRose

    Deafs be allowed to marry?

    well, tell your teacher hi for me by slapping him/her. ok?
  19. FadedRose

    Deafs be allowed to marry?

    by all means feel free to quote my response...
  20. FadedRose

    Deafs be allowed to marry?

    You've got to be kidding me... I suggest you sterilize yourself. this is the most insulting and moronic thread by a hearie I've come across in a while.