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  1. N

    Job motivation

    Thank you for the link. Wow. It's a good job, Jake. I am sorry for your difficulties. Hope all get's better for you soon.
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    Job motivation

    Jake what do you do as business analyst? What's your duties every day?
  3. N

    what is the best type of hearing aid, if ur getting them for the first time

    Wow! I think that is so cool that they lasted that long. :)
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    Jiro, I so love the pic and your timing! Anyway, all's I know is I love God, esp. Jesus.
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    The Word "Exciting"

    Personally I don't see what the big deal is. When English, or any language, is spoken/signed, what is important is that the listener understands what is being communicated. I have a degree in English and to me, the writen part is what matter's, not the spoken part. Unless you are in a...
  6. N

    Obama supporters?

    My mom is in physical therapy for her wrist. She met a guy there who came back from iraq due to a hand blown off - - he is in p.t. to deal with that. He, a US soldier, told my mom that if we were not there fighting then sure as hell, "they" will come over here and start a war. He says, and I...
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    8-08-08 today!

    Gives me the heebie jeebies to be honest with you. Can't wait till I get home from work!
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    My DD is sick....

    You sound like a loving mama, Dixie. Thank you for posting today. Hope she's feeling better. My son is 4 and dd almost 3.
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    deaf/hoh kids not getting equal schooling rights

    Signed and added to favorites to spread to my email cohorts and workers.
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    My supervisor went to south africa for her vacation and she was near kenya, too. anyway, I think that the problem in Kenya is way different than what we face here in the states as deaf people. The hearies don't have it so great over there either. When my supervisor emails a pic of the kids in...
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    Explaining the Birds and the Bees to your Deaf child; Any advice?

    My mom gave me 'what's happening to my body' book when I was 12. I looked it up on Amazon and I guess it's no good anymore. Here's a link to a good boy book that show's the other books bought. What's Happening to Me?: Boys Edition (What's Happening to Me?): Alex Firth, Susan...
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    what is the best type of hearing aid, if ur getting them for the first time

    All of the above is true. I do know this from experience: BTEs last way longer than CICs. Best brand? Depends on your loss. I have been finding starkey is good cuz they are powerful..
  13. N

    Only reply to this if there was someone...

    Boyd is the man who sells aids but he's also an audiologist-practisioner? Anyway, he is hearing but wears HAs in the day to test them out and see what it sounds like. Usually he wears the newest ones unless he has a client whose aid is on the fritz but the defect is hard to pin down. If you...
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    Do you have a hearing dog?

    Thank you everyone for your replies.
  15. N

    Ever Wonder?

    The only time I wish'd I didn't have to wear ha's is when I lose my friggin tiny battery's to my CICs. This happens more so now because the battery doors are broken. So, the cost of HA's and Batteries make me want to hear. Other than that, I don't want to hear. I wish I could never put my...
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    Favorite Bedtime Stories

    Aw, me too! I feel so sad in the end every time!!!
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    Why i'm only person who see this way?

    My grandpa lived to 95. He was from Kansas and was a meat/potatoe man his whole life. He, nor did my grandma, have any health issues. If eatting veggi only diet prevents cancer, we'd all be doing it. As far as the animal thing in love and marriage respects....did you know that Swan's...
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    Why i'm only person who see this way?

    Based on the orig post, your hubby probably has a bad back cuz he eats meat! :shock:
  19. N


    If she flips you, flash her!!! I haven't a clue if you girl or guy so please forgive me, I am unable to check out your profile. Buy hey, if you are a guy, moon her! :giggle: