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  1. N


    Well, let me say - - I am so happy I am not in school anymore! (sorry, had to say it) I think you should have many a drinks and do the project where you are supposed to argue w/ someone who is not there. Remember now, w/ a hearing loss, we make stuff up all the time when we don't understand...
  2. N

    need to post a sign on my door...

    I am confused. Is the button a door bell for you? If so, why would it only be used for emergency?
  3. N

    I am sad

    I am sad. My right hearing aid died the other day so I had to take it in and I'll bet the cost to fix it will be $400. That is depressing considering this is the time to shop for xmas. My left ear is blocked somehow. I can not hear but a tiny bit w/ my ha. When my ha is out, then I hear...
  4. N

    A way to induce temporary deafness?

    Interesting thread.
  5. N

    Wow.. My friend told me "Obama rules now"

    I like this but just be careful...some people would take that as an invitation to kick butt.
  6. N

    My daughter, Emma.

  7. N

    Official Presidential and Congressional Election Night Thread

    I am just so fucking happy the right man won!
  8. N

    How do you cope with Separation/Divorce?

    Jeep, the above quote says it all. And PLEase don't forget about your daughter, she is feeling it, too whether she celebrating his absence or whatever. Anyway, how you handle this divorce is how your daughter will hand relationships that don't work out her way. If you abuse alcohol and the...
  9. N

    More Republicans desert McCain

    just goes to show............:D
  10. N

    What do you feel you need to do during the day?

    This is off topic :Oops: But, I totally understand where you are at right now, Horselover. I have to paint my living room because there is cheap primer on the walls from the contractors (I had a house fire). I keep procrasinating!
  11. N

    Jillio & Jiro...

    Happy b-lated birthday to all the AD Libra's! :)
  12. N

    Jillio & Jiro...

    Well I am a Libra and Libra's either love or hate a scorpio - - so that explains why I love to read Jiro's posts so much! :giggle: Happy birthday to you two.
  13. N

    What do you feel you need to do during the day?

    Each and everyday I itch my ears.
  14. N

    AD Pet Peeves

  15. N

    What do you find to be the most unattractive quality in opposite sex?

    :laugh2: I agree to disagree. No more talk about this from me.
  16. N

    Breastfeeding at 8 years old ???

    Yes, it is weird and I think it would be a form of molestation b/c the kid's sexuality is in formation stages....
  17. N

    What do you find to be the most unattractive quality in opposite sex?

    what do you mean I am not gonna do anything?
  18. N

    What do you find to be the most unattractive quality in opposite sex?

    Well, I've read it all and must tell ya, looks are so so so over-rated. I'd rather have a fat smart man than a good looking stupid man. Some people are just fat. But each to his own. I am gonna follow God, not the flock on earth.
  19. N

    What do you find to be the most unattractive quality in opposite sex?

    Well, the first thing that came to my head was, 'the fact that they are the opposite sex'. (&no, I am not a lesbian).