Search results

  1. KingCobra

    At hooters resturant..

    Those guys will fixate on her bewbies with glitter on top of them. ;)
  2. KingCobra

    Pick one... your favorite seasonal ??

    Hi Folks! I chose winter because I love cold weather! :D I hate summer cuz i cannot stand humid, hot weather!
  3. KingCobra

    If I were King Cobra, I would post..

    Only if he is blind! GROMS!
  4. KingCobra

    That is extremely SAD ! State of Florida Gov would NOT let her die

    Hi folks! That is why I always firmly believe no government should interfere persons' decisions and lives by making decisions to tell them what to do. That is a classic example of Jeb Bush's decision's action.
  5. KingCobra

    I would find this in..

    Hi Folks! BBNT is posting to make fun of us here while he is enjoying to have this hot lady between his legs under his desk!
  6. KingCobra

    I would find this in..

    Hi there! There is alot of everywhere in BBNT's house!
  7. KingCobra

    BBNT in Arizonian desert

    Enjoy this....
  8. KingCobra

    Dish Tv Sucks Big Time!

    I love my Bell Express Vu satellite dish. :D
  9. KingCobra

    Goooood Morning!

    No problem... :) FYI.. BBNT is neato and got helluva sense of humor! ;)
  10. KingCobra

    How many your generation ?

    3rd generation Canadian 8thth generation Newfoundlander 9th generation of having John as first or middle name. Direct descendant of C------ H------, English Army captain who beheaded French prince during one of battles in the Hundred Years War. He got plots of lands in Dorset and...
  11. KingCobra


    Irish Inuit (Eskimo) (My great grandmother was a fullblooded Eskimo.) combination of French and English
  12. KingCobra

    Goooood Morning!

    Welcome to AD! :D You will find here enjoyable! Beware of BBNT! He just got out of hsi striaghtjacket! ;) *grins*
  13. KingCobra

    AllDeaf AIM Expression Updates

    Of course Alldeaf! :D Boult's online petition! sextoon! Gallaudet! NTID! and more more more whatever you want!
  14. KingCobra

    Please welcome Eve!!!!!

    Welcome to the AD, Eve! :D Enjoy!
  15. KingCobra

    Oh boy, Nettie!!!

    Welcome to AD, Nettie! Enjoy!
  16. KingCobra

    What does your name tell you about yourself?

    Darryl: Your world, good or bad, revolves around your family. You are determined and loyal, and your word is your bond. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You enjoy a challenge. You can take thought-directed actions. You have a lack of confidence in...
  17. KingCobra

    Work or Welfare or college?

    Hi Eternity! :) I am glad that you made it possible for Deaf people who depends on welfare or SSI to earn livings, to get real jobs and make better living for themselves. With SSI and/or welfare, they tend to make Deaf people dependable and low self-esteemed and what you are doing is to show...
  18. KingCobra

    Oktoberfest- ADers gathering

    Hi Folks! I want to say thank you very much to people who made nice and kind compliments about my sweetheart Freaky and me and those compliments made us happier and closer ever. :cuddle: KingCobra! HISSS!!!
  19. KingCobra

    Canadian ADA Law????

    Hi Lantana! I hope your husband and you enjoyed your trip to Canada! I wonder if you both ever went to Newfoundland and Labrador. Just curious! :) Speaking of the Canadian Disability Act, The proposed law was in place in spring of 1997 until the dissolution of Parliament for national...
  20. KingCobra

    Oktoberfest- ADers gathering

    Hiya folks! Oh I had wonderful time with my sweetie Freaky, DOM, Eternity and others at the OktoberFest! I drank little too much :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: ! You know guys would not admit how much they drank! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Otherwise, Freaky would spank...