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  1. Mayflower

    Ask the Monkey Anything

    Maybe if you stopped flinging your poo around the kitchen it would help. Here's a little clue, monkey butt - if it lands in the casserole I don't throw it away, but I don't eat it either. And I'm not giving it to the dog. Figure it out. :squint:
  2. Mayflower

    thinking of leaving AD

    Cental, I just want to say that I didn't know you very well when I came back to AD last weekend, but it was nice to get acquainted again. I had been so busy outside of AD, so I took a break and sat on the computer the whole weekend. I even started an "ask me anything" thread. It was one of...
  3. Mayflower

    Has Anyone in AllDeaf seen a Volcano?

    I have seen Mt. Rainier and Mt. Shasta. About 10 years ago, I had actually visited Mt. St. Helens. While I was there, I took a load of pics of the crater with my telephoto lens. :)
  4. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    Currently, Mr. Chimp and I own two manufactured homes. I didn't know anything about Deaf Cruise 2007. We will have to look into it. I actually have two jobs at the moment. I am a respiratory therapist and a caregiver. I take care of a 11 year old girl, who is a quadaplegia and she is...
  5. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    Well, I just took a shower, and now I'm sitting at the computer wearing a towel. Mr. Chimpie just came through the door after being at his mother's house all day. I only had two beers. I think Chimpie is pouring me another one, even though I haven't ask for one..... :beer:
  6. Mayflower

    Can I get a big HELL YEAH for RebelGirl?

    :birthday: RebelGirl Wishing you the best for the coming year.
  7. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    Sorry about that. :hug:
  8. Mayflower

    Ask Oakley anything.....

    Are you related to Annie Oakley?
  9. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    Very cute, Oakley. The answer is no. Next question, anyone? :beer:
  10. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    I see that we are getting away from the sex questions. :giggle: I like Corona the best with lime. I do drink other brands to save $$$$. I might have one or two beers, mostly with dinner. On the other hand, Lev has a bigger appetite for beer and his friend, Jose Cuervo. I love...
  11. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    My dad is a retired fire captain for Los Angeles City Fire Department. My mom is a retired housewife. My dad is taking care of my mom since she will be 86 years old next week. My dad is 75. Lev and I will be celebrating our first anniversary on October lst. We have no children. I am...
  12. Mayflower

    Ask the Monkey Anything

    MEN!!! That's why you will never get it....
  13. Mayflower

    Ask the Monkey Anything

    Aaawww.... :tears: :grouphug:
  14. Mayflower

    Ask the Monkey Anything

    Cheri, Cental's pants are always on fire. :wiggle:
  15. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    I do believe in free will. If a person wants 8mm holes in their earlobes, it is their choice. I have no right in judging a person because they have it, and I don't. I do have pierced ears, but having 8mm holes is not me.
  16. Mayflower

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    Ok. Anymore questions???? :type: ( is almost 6:00. The beer is starting to look good.)
  17. Mayflower

    Anything ask me, PII

    You are most welcomed. People just need to take the time to get to know you. I have never thought that you were a meanie. :hug:
  18. Mayflower

    What the Hell, Ask AJ Anything

    What are your favorite nuts?
  19. Mayflower

    Ask the Monkey Anything

    :o Very true.
  20. Mayflower

    Ask the Monkey Anything

    I will definitely keep that in mind. :lol: