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  1. coolguy1973fla

    America Largest 4G Network?? Pftt my ass Tmobile!

    I have iPhone 4 with me but I have unlocked T-Mobile Blackberry both are using AT&T network but I have old T-Mobile Pearl 8100 using T-Mobile network, I have Sprint U301 Franklin Wireless 3G/4G usb modem on Sprint Network. I have MBR1000 mobile router. if you can visit Sprint Relay Store for...
  2. coolguy1973fla

    Everything about iPhone

    :ty: to Chevy57
  3. coolguy1973fla

    Everything about iPhone

    :ty: to Foxrac I just use Iphone4 it is faster and smooth display like HD and I have no problem with AT&T EDGE or 3G network also I did use Wi-Fi it is no problem with the internet, I have been use FaceTime and Fring video calling I have TAP plan 45 dollars a month for 2GB data plan and...
  4. coolguy1973fla

    Everything about iPhone

    Thanks Chevy 57 I am happy with it :)
  5. coolguy1973fla

    Everything about iPhone

    Hi MacFreak it is cool.. I just easy to use it and it faster :)
  6. coolguy1973fla

    What cell phone you use and why?

    I have own T-Mobile Blackberry 8900 Curve Javelin and AT&T iPhone 4 I have new iPhone 4 has AT&T GPRS/EDGE/3G Data Plan 2GB limited allowance per month if I get over 2GB it would be charge at 10 dollars for 1GB each block. but I have my own cable modem with WiFi router when I connect my iPhone...
  7. coolguy1973fla

    Everything about iPhone

    I have a new iPhone 4 now.
  8. coolguy1973fla

    Dear AT&T

    I am owner to iPhone 4 I have AT&T Apple iPhone 4 now. I have disablity data plan 45 dollars for data 2GB plan with unlimited SMS (text messaging) and unlimited complimentary AT&T WiFi and any unlimited WiFi
  9. coolguy1973fla

    Sprint Relay - HTC EVO 4G

    No, the HTC Evo 4G has itself software to use thethering, Sprint does not charge you for a fee.
  10. coolguy1973fla

    data usage on mobile phone

    it ws not 728 MB it is 72MB this month Since June 11st. I use VP200 with Cradlepoint MBR1000 router and Sprint U300 Last Apr to May, see below it was used on 5.1 GB May to Jun see below
  11. coolguy1973fla

    data usage on mobile phone

    My bill Sprint U300 Sprint MiFi T-Mobile Blackberry Curve 8900
  12. coolguy1973fla

    Bad News for Verizon customers

    It's a wireless company -- it is VERIZON WIRELESS Cell Phones, Cell Phone Plans, 3G Smartphones, the Best Cell Phone Service - Verizon Wireless not for other department of Verizon
  13. coolguy1973fla

    Now you are using your mobile phone.

    which one you are using Orginal Iphone or Iphone 3G, 3GS?
  14. coolguy1973fla

    Bad News for Verizon customers

    We don't have a landline phone service, but We do have Comcast High Speed Internet with Linksys Wi-Fi router, 2 HDTV cable converter box, 1 digital to analog converter box. I have post-paid T-mobile service for Blackberry Internet Service with unlimited text and picture message for Blackberry...
  15. coolguy1973fla

    Now you are using your mobile phone.

    T-Mobile Blackberry Curve 8900 ( GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Bluetooth, GPS, camera with flash and Wi-Fi) and Sprint 3G/4G U300 data card(3G CDMA and 2.5ghz WiMax know as 4G).
  16. coolguy1973fla

    iPhone is better than EVO

    there is Iphone has different models when you choose more internal memory flash more cost and less internal memory flash less cost. what you want to choose for your budget fit needs.
  17. coolguy1973fla

    Bad News for Verizon customers

    If you have a unlimited plan in your account and it will not change until you update the pricing plan or you cancel your account, you will not get old unlimited plan back. when the cellular provider will not offer for unlimited to new customers.
  18. coolguy1973fla

    Bad News for Verizon customers

    if you have old pricing plan stay contiune for your unlimited plan and cellular provider will no longer offered to new customers. if you have change your plan or you cancel your account, you will not get back to your old pricing plan.
  19. coolguy1973fla

    Sprint Relay - HTC EVO 4G

    here is wikipedia: Ampere-hour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  20. coolguy1973fla

    iPhone is better than EVO

    if you want to hook-up with Wi-Fi to HTC EVO ( acting like as a router it was a virtual router software installed) you won't be billed. You can hook up to 8 device to HTC EVO. Sprint does not have a public Wi-Fi hotspot service provider, ( any business [hotel, restaurant,cafe, other] has...