Search results

  1. me_punctured

    America ..... I recently saw

    No, deafdyke, I was only pointing out that Amer means 'bitter' in French. If you isolate the letters 'ican' from 'American', you get 'amer.' You follow me? :)
  2. me_punctured

    America ..... I recently saw

    Here's another interesting tidbit: Amer, as in American, also means 'bitter' in French. That's all I have to say. ;)
  3. me_punctured

    Is Islam a Threat?

    This is a little off-topic, but I wanted to put in my two cents. :) I recommend reading Jessica Stern's "Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill." The first time I opened it, I had a hard time putting it down because it placed a different spin on the Western axis of thought...
  4. me_punctured

    One simple question about ASL morphology

    Don't beat yourself up for not explicitly articulating the grammatical rules of ASL! Most people already have the mental grammar of their native (or dominant) language stored in their brains, but the knowledge of the mental grammar is largely unconscious. Second nature as you just said, Eyeth...
  5. me_punctured

    Earlier cochlear implant, better language

    The second article is better because it slightly touches on the critical issue of normal spoken language development. The first article doesn't mention anything about it. I've always wondered if there is any significant difference in language development between the right and left implanted...
  6. me_punctured

    One simple question about ASL morphology

    EEK. My cover's blown! You're right. It isn't a simple question, but rather a complicated one. I never meant to trick anyone. I was only curious about the responses. As Interpretrator pointed out, SLEEP does not follow the usual ASL noun-verb (or verb-noun) pattern as COMPARE/COMPARISON*...
  7. me_punctured

    One simple question about ASL morphology

    How do you sign "sleep" as a noun and as a verb in ASL? I already know the answer to the question, but I'm curious to see what others have to say. :)
  8. me_punctured

    I have returned

    Quick-tempered, Winter Knight, aren't you? :) Makes me wonder what happened to Summer Knight. Have you uncloaked the mystery of Endymion's disappearing head yet?
  9. me_punctured

    Anyone like to use Ovaltine?

    "Anyone like to use Ovaltine?" The moment I laid my eyes on the aforementioned title, I had crazy notions that this thread discussed ways to use ovaltine without drinking it. Darn!
  10. me_punctured

    I have returned

    I was waiting for the Summer Knight to show up.
  11. me_punctured

    Accent reduction course

    Coming from a large family of immigrants whose native language isn't English and growing up in a multi-cultural environment with non-native English speakers, I'm accustomed to hearing heavily accented English. And being deaf myself, I have come up with a few tricks up my sleeve to bridge...
  12. me_punctured

    Anyone like to eat oysters?

    Judging by the strong aversion towards oysters here, I can accurately predict how people will react if I created a new thread with a poll: ANYONE LIKE TO EAT SASHIMI? (That's raw fish for you!)
  13. me_punctured

    Wife School

    But Heath, what if I don't want to get married? Or what if I'm gay? :eek3:
  14. me_punctured

    Cat Beaten to Deat, Teenage Boys Accused

    It is possible that the two teenaged boys, who bludgeoned the cat to death with a basecall bat, will not grow up to be serial rapists and murderer. They could turn out to be productive, well-rounded citizens. But their testimony reflects a complete disregard for an animal's life, especially a...
  15. me_punctured

    Accent reduction course

    The accent reduction course sounds like an excellent investment for everyone's benefit, as long as the employers pay for the course in the best interests of the employee and the company. In the past, employees with foreign accents that rendered their speech overtly unintelligible got laid off...
  16. me_punctured

    CODA interpreters

    Interpretrator, Thank you for your articulate responses! I expected this thread to die out and remain dead for good, because the moment I posted my inquiry, I realized that I was inviting people to open a can of worms. But you answered my question beautifully, no blemishes and no stains...
  17. me_punctured

    CODA interpreters

    To which form of English are you referring? If a hearing person grew up speaking African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) primarily, would you judge that person to be lacking proficency in English?
  18. me_punctured

    Why implant so early?

    Cloggy, Thank you for taking the time to present the performative results. I have little doubt that early pediatric implantation, prior to the age of 3, increases a child's ability to recognize and identify bisyllablic words, due to the brain's great plasticity at that stage. Are the...
  19. me_punctured

    "Nicknames" given by your partner

    My boyfriend frequently calls me "moody moon" in the context of standard expressions. "Good morning my moody moon" and "good night my moody moon" are the common ones. The moniker was born out of something I told him when we first met: "I can be moody as a moon." :)
  20. me_punctured

    Gallaudet President Announced!!

    You rang, ayala920? :D Before I share my theory about Fernandes’ mentioning her whiteness, I’d like to review an important aspect of the Deaf community. As we all know, deafness lacks geographic barriers. Everyone, whether they identify themselves as Deaf, deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind...