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  1. J

    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    Fantasy novel Shadowplay by Tad Williams...
  2. J

    Most Disturbing Movies

    only once Schindler's List... I saw in the movie theater once, and I could not watch it again. I went through too many Kleenexes. The cruelty inflicted on humans in that movie disturbed me too deeply.
  3. J

    Last Movie You Watched?

    movies Last one I watched was Twilight. I'm waiting for the new Star Trek movie to come out.
  4. J

    Movies that have deeply affected you?

    A tear jerker The Notebook... that movie made my eyes water until I thought I'd drown in my own apartment. :)
  5. J

    New Signers' Funny Mistakes

    thanks ...for answering me. :) It's making my head spin around in circles trying to figure out how to explain (my post above) without saying it wrong, or offending.
  6. J

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    hmmm... Yeah I did ask a question. I believe I got slapped in the face for it instead of got a real answer so sorry if I am a little frustrated... but yes, you have a good point... I have been over to the movies thread and had a good time talking about that.
  7. J

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    too bad I'm sorry you feel that way. Honestly, not everyone who is hearing is a total jerk... But it's your choice if you want to ignore them. You lose out on finding some good friends who don't care what language you speak... but that is just my opinion, and ASL is the 3rd one I'm learning...
  8. J

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    i understand... ... your frustration, but NOT EVERYONE thinks that way. I am hearing and I don't. I wouldn't bother trying to learn ASL despite all the obstacles for me to understand others signing back to me FAST (I am not the best signer) if I did. Stereotypes are what keeps...
  9. J

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    :) If you knew me, I would not make fun of you--swear it. Just don't give up. My hubby is "learning disabled" and "disabled" retired Army vet... we've been married since 2004. It's all about accepting differences and finding common ground.
  10. J

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    i agree My husband (in picture with me) is a "disabled" retired Army vet and Filipino... no prejudices with me. It ticks me off when people exclude others and won't even try to get along.
  11. J

    Hearing person (cringes and hides) asking an honest and sensitive question

    frustrating isn't it? It's like an experience I just had... I went to a Mexican restaurant and I tried to ORDER IN SPANISH but the waiter refused to speak to me in Spanish! He spoke English to me... um, yeah, I'm a gringa, but that was still rude... It was just the one waiter, though. The...
  12. J

    Hearing person (cringes and hides) asking an honest and sensitive question

    acceptance It's hard to feel motivated sometimes when I only got rejected by those I wanted to be friends with, and I was trying to communicate, but they'd rather be with their Deaf friends and ignore me because I sign slow. That's frustrating as a hearing person trying to learn. I have...
  13. J

    Hearing person (cringes and hides) asking an honest and sensitive question

    no choice The parent just took away the child's choice. If it were me and my mom did that to me, I would resent her for never letting me make my own choice when I was old enough. Talk about a lack of respect. Deaf children are human, not broken toys.
  14. J

    I'm new. Hello :)

    :) I'm also new, welcome!
  15. J

    Your Opinion about Signing Songs?

    :) My ASL teacher for one of my ASL 1 classes (back in 1990's) interprets professionally at rock concerts. He is a certified interpreter. Love songs in ASL! :)
  16. J

    Are you a writer?

    Yes, I'm a writer. Aspiring, not published yet! I won't give UP trying!
  17. J

    Baby Signs & the importance of ASL

    Take a look at ASL PRO DOT com--free sign videos you can rewatch anytime, easy dictionary format! For you, Adam's Momma! :)
  18. J

    I Refuse

    :) Letting him choose is what I think is great-I know an adult woman whose mom sent her to oral school. I was taking my sign classes back in the '90's and she got a little defensive about oral stuff... Not saying it's bad, but being forced to do something to please momma and poppa is not...
  19. J

    Best favorite movie of all-time

    yep Lucas should have hired some other people to write the dialogue... like he did with the classic SW films. He got it right with Ep. III, though... It made me cry when Padme realized Ben was telling her the truth about Ani. He just wouldn't listen. She ignored his behaviorial...
  20. J

    Best favorite movie of all-time

    heehee! That's a good one, too! How about, "I am NOT a committee!" -Princess Leia, shouting at Han, Melennium Falcon in cave scene, Ep V I loved her SPUNK. :) "Governor Tarkin. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."-Ep. IV, just before they blow up Alderaan. :)