Search results

  1. J

    Star Trek fans? Anyone?

    loved it Tripp was funny! I liked how he just said straight out what was on his mind. :) Yeah, he was kinda cute, too. I liked the episode where he got "pregnant"-and T'Pol never let him forget it, either. ;) Yes, Phlox was a really well-developed, interesting character. I liked his...
  2. J

    Star Trek fans? Anyone?

    Odo was a shape shifter. I missed a lot of Ds9 and Voyager. I kind of got a little lost after they KILLED off Kess! :( I was not so fond of Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine... :( I loved Jadzia Dax (the girl with the worm in her belly) and Ezri Dax, who was her replacement for one season. I wish...
  3. J

    Other Science Fiction shows' fans?

    Me too All Trek shows, Babylon 5, and Battlestar Galactica original series. X-Files rocked. I liked the first movie; the follow-up movie was a little disappointing. I had hoped after 10 years it would do well, but they waited too long to get on the ball with another X-Files movie...
  4. J

    Other Science Fiction shows' fans?

    cool :) I haven't seen Fringe-is that new show? I loved Quantum Leap. :) Scott Bakula was great! Also loved Dean Stockwell as Al. He was so funny! I read interview from one of the Star Trek Deep Space Nine actresses (Terry Farrell), who was on an episode of the show before she was on...
  5. J

    Other Science Fiction shows' fans?

    Babylon 5? Sliders? Battlestar Galactica (I'm a fan of the original series; haven't had a chance to see the new one really) Quantum Leap? X-Files? (Die hard fan!) Buffy the Vampire Slayer? (I'm a TV series fan versus the movie...) Angel? OK... if you think of one I didn't...
  6. J

    Star Trek fans? Anyone?

    Favorite characters? OK, those who like it, which shows did you like best, why, and which characters are your favorite? I pretty much liked all the shows, Voyager being the least favorite of mine. I thought Tripp was the best developed character in Enterprise, other than T'Pol and Capt...
  7. J


    Next film got the green light Next Twilight Pic Gets Green Light: Eclipse Expected in June 2010 - Movie News | Here's for those who like the Twilight film--film for Eclipse has green light. PS-there's some very interesting arguments against the books, too, (being poorly...
  8. J

    Star Trek fans? Anyone?

    I grew up watching syndicated re-runs of Classic Trek and STTNG came on when I was 13. I loved DS9. Voyager... not as much, ok. I loved Enterprise. (I'm excited for the new movie this summer!!)
  9. J


    just criticism Yeah, it's cotton candy. I have read better writing by fan fic Star Trek authors. I think her editor was using crack cocaine. Have you counted the grammar and spelling errors in those books? The movie dumped a lot of the stuff in the book that drove me nuts... my sister...
  10. J


    fan made trailers That was confusing when I saw those, too, because only New Moon is in early production as of March 2009. They have not filmed in Italy yet! There is a "fake" Kristin Stewart posting in Twitter about Italy and the news article I read the other day said they have not...
  11. J


    yes New Moon is filming in Vancouver, Canada as we speak... er, sign... right now. Dakota Fanning is supposed to have a part in it. I have read news articles that said the other books will be filmed. They have the green light from Summit (film company).
  12. J

    Fast food salt levels 'shocking'

    Low salt diet My hubby is on low salt diet, so I don't add salt to any food he eats. I can taste the too salty foods now that we have had to cut back on so much. He is on heart cardiac and diabetes diet, too. I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes, but I have been mostly vegetarian...
  13. J

    News Flash: Sugar does not cause Diabetes!

    Runs in the family too My hubby has just found out he has it. He is trying to control it. The doctor has him on medication and he is exercising and losing 5-10 lbs. Diabetes runs in his family as does heart disease. If you have a genetic disposition for it, it's even more important to try and...
  14. J


    Genetic predisposition No, he has a "genetic predisposition" for it in his family. He is not obese, and he does exercise. He has been losing 5-10 lbs. but diabetes is something he just found out he has. He takes pills for it instead of insulin. He has to watch the total carb intake. The...
  15. J

    Women's Health New DNA Cancer Test

    new test Yeah, it will take time to find out if they will cover it. My great grandmother had some kind of "female" issue cancer. I can't remember which one, though. Too many in my family have died from cancer, so this issue is one I care about sharing information with others if I see it. :)
  16. J

    Women's Health New DNA Cancer Test Just FYI.
  17. J

    Pillow Fight, Anyone? :)

    haha Well, unless you hit someone wrong in the face, I don't see how you can hurt someone. :)
  18. J

    Boy drives 1,300 miles to Texas rodeo grounds

    One lucky kid I guess he really likes the rodeo. :) I suppose his parents were really worried he was kidnapped. He's lucky he did not break down in the arid parts of Texas in the middle of nowhere, or get robbed or hurt.
  19. J

    Why the Pope opposes condoms

    AIDS passed by other means than SEX You can get it from other ways besides sex, so his argument is null and void. Ignore science and it will still hold you to blame for your failure to use basic logic. Just my $0.02.
  20. J

    Pillow Fight, Anyone? :)

    Detroit police halt pillow fight - Weird news- This is pretty funny. :giggle: